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Pentax Pocketjet 3 with Bluetooth

Essay by   •  February 11, 2012  •  Essay  •  248 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,371 Views

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Item: Pentax PocketJet 3 with Bluetooth

The final component of the Strategic Marketing Plan is the Marketing Mix. The Marketing Mix is the set of decisions about price, communications and promotion, product policy, channels of distribution, and customer relationship management. Only by addressing these elements can you actually implement your marketing strategy. You will focus on communications and promotion, following an integrated marketing communications (IMC) approach. Such an approach delivers a clear and consistent message to your consumers.

Provide a detailed description of your IMC approach and the corresponding promotion strategy necessary to send your message to your target market. (For example, the elements of the promotion strategy include: advertising, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion) and how you would use them to communicate with your target segment.

Explain your rationale for choosing these specific elements.

Describe the message you wish to communicate based

Quantifiable elements that can be used to measure effectiveness of the marketing plan are evaluating the advertising plan after the initial period by comparing projected sales to actual sales. If the actual sales are higher than projected sales, the conclusion would be that the four types of marketing were helping. To find out which ones were the most effective, taking each area and comparing the sales that stemmed from the influence of that area will tell which one is performing the best. To do this, surveys will need to be taken as well as face to face customer reactions to the advertisements.



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