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Eng 101 - Who's Liable for the Health Problems of Fast Food Consumers?

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Essay Preview: Eng 101 - Who's Liable for the Health Problems of Fast Food Consumers?

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Cameron Collins

English 101

Mr. Osman

July 8th, 2007

Who's Liable for the Health Problems of Fast Food Consumers?

Many people across America today feel that fast food companies are becoming the leading causers of health problems among their consumers. Some people feel as though they don't care what harmful health issues their food may cause their consumers over a period of time as long as they are making a profit. But on the other hand there are some people who think that the health problems only occur because the consumer allows them to. Because fast food companies may have the potential to shape some peoples minds through advertisement, look and taste, people must take responsibility for consuming fast food and their health.

In the movie Super Size Me, Morgan Spurlock asks the question, "Where does personal responsibility stop and corporate responsibility begin?" This is a very valuable quote because it emphasizes whether or not people should blame themselves or fast food companies for the health problems that they may encounter. The ones at blame are the consumer because it is simply up to them whether or not to consume the food that fast food companies produce. The fast food companies should not be held liable for any health problems any consumer may have. The reason for that being is because it is simply the fast food companies purpose to produce a product and leave it up to the consumer to buy and eat. The fast food company in no way has 100% percent control over the consumers mind, telling them to buy and eat their product. So the line of responsibility stops with the consumer. The consumer is the only person who can be held responsible for anything happening to their own health.

In addition fast food corporations should not be sued by anyone claiming that fast food products, over a period of time, have caused them health problems. Many people have claimed that fast food has caused them to experience certain affects such as heart problems, organ failure, obesity, diabetes, depression, and sluggishness, just to name a few. But there is no strong enough evidence that any consumer can find that proves fast food corporations to be liable for the many health issues that they may have. And the reason is simply because it is the consumer's choice to eat fast food or not. Also they don't have a valid clam against fast food corporations simply because in every case they try to bring up against them they always are giving the realistic statement of they weren't forced to eat fast food.

In Fast Food Nation Eric Schlosser claims that the reason why health issues are common through the consumption of food is because of they way the food is being produced: "Although the rise of food borne illnesses has been caused by many complex factors, much of the increase can be contributed to recent changes in how American food is produced" (195). With this statement clearly made, we can see that even though many people would like to point the finger at fast food restaurants for any health issues that it may cause them, they are not the ones in control of any illnesses coming through the food. Also that if people where more aware of how food in America is produced there would be no more pointing the finger directly at fast food restaurants as being the main provider of unhealthy food.



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