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9,199 Business Essays: 1 - 30

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  • "digital Hub" Strategy

    "digital Hub" Strategy

    "Digital Hub" strategy The factor which has sustained Apple's competitive position in PC is "Digital Hub" Strategy. Apple obtained major of market share in the early days. However, Apple sometimes struggled with other competitors in the market of PC manufacturer due to decline of average selling price (ASP) and emergence

    Essay Length: 264 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: May 14, 2011
  • "feed R&d, or Farm It Out?" Team Case

    "feed R&d, or Farm It Out?" Team Case

    Part I: Problem-Issue Formulation As companies look to cut costs and increase revenues, outsourcing certain capabilities that aren't tied to their core competencies can be an enticing proposition: it can give them increased leverage by reducing expenses while expanding their capabilities. The decision is not so easy in the case

    Essay Length: 3,613 Words / 15 Pages
    Submitted: February 26, 2012
  • "in-N-Out Hamburgers, No Delay" Case

    "in-N-Out Hamburgers, No Delay" Case

    In-N-Out first opened in 1948 by owner Harry Snyder in a 10 feet square drive-thru located at Francisquito and Garvey in Baldwin Park. Him and his wife ran the company, while he picked up the meat and produce daily from markets, she took care of the accounting. The original logo

    Essay Length: 1,214 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 28, 2013
  • "relationship Selling-The Key to Getting and Keeping Customers" by Jim Cathcart

    "relationship Selling-The Key to Getting and Keeping Customers" by Jim Cathcart

    I have just ordered Relationship Selling by Jim Cathcart and the ABCs of Relationship Selling by Charles Futrell from Amazon. On my main Business Coaching blog, you will have seen that I talk about the importance of being a customer focused entrepreneur and finding the hidden profit and benefits that

    Essay Length: 608 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 2, 2013
  • $100.00 Challenge Final Report

    $100.00 Challenge Final Report

    $100.00 Challenge Part 6 Report This semester I was tasked with creating my own business, and I was excited to try my hand at something new. Because I have always enjoyed creating things, I knew my business would focus on selling products instead of services. What’s more, the timing of

    Essay Length: 1,267 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: July 19, 2017
  • 'employees' Motivation to Achieve High Performance Depends on More That a High Salary and Good Work Conditions. Discuss.' Reinforce Your Answer with Reference to Theory and Practice.

    'employees' Motivation to Achieve High Performance Depends on More That a High Salary and Good Work Conditions. Discuss.' Reinforce Your Answer with Reference to Theory and Practice.

    Humans are constantly involved in different activities to help them satisfy their unlimited wants and needs. We come across the word 'business or 'businessman' on daily bases, directly or indirectly. Business has become an important part of modern world. One of the main factors in business that increase high performance

    Essay Length: 1,335 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: April 21, 2012
  • 10 Operation Management Decisions Applied to Kfc Outlet Sukkur

    10 Operation Management Decisions Applied to Kfc Outlet Sukkur

    Table of Content: Introduction 2 Supply chain management: 2 Analysis: 3 Quality Management: 4 Analysis: 6 Process strategy: 6 Questions: 6 Locations Strategy: 7 Questions 7 Layout Strategy: 8 Human Resources Strategy: 8 Questions 8 Inventory management: Questions 9 Short-term scheduling: 10 Maintenance and Reliability: 10 Recommendations: 10 Introduction

    Essay Length: 5,062 Words / 21 Pages
    Submitted: May 22, 2019
  • 10q, 10k Financial Reports

    10q, 10k Financial Reports

    Assumption The financial reporting model is based on many assumptions and all of the assumptions help in the decision making process for investor, creditors, regulators, employees and upper management (Horngen, Sundem, Elliott, & Philbrick, 2011). The first assumption is economic entity which is when the stakeholders business transactionsare kept separate

    Essay Length: 1,522 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: June 5, 2012
  • 1123


    Galliers et al (1999): Strategic Information Management, Butterworth-Heinemannhttp://www.investopedia.com/articles/04/022504.asp 2. Read Reading the Balance Sheet at: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/04/031004.asp 3. Compute the following financial ratios for both companies and provide as an appendix to the required paper. If you need help understanding the meaning of the ratios or how to they are computed,

    Essay Length: 362 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: August 21, 2011
  • 16-Step Guide Reaction

    16-Step Guide Reaction

    REACTION PAPER The 16-step guide to evaluating the viability of any product idea is very useful and helpful to entrepreneurs and business owners especially the beginners and the ones who plan to start a business online and offline. It can help businessmen determine properly their product before launching to the

    Essay Length: 1,517 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: November 3, 2018
  • 2010 European Sovereign Debt Crisis

    2010 European Sovereign Debt Crisis

    2010 European sovereign debt crisis Introduction The 2010 Greek crisis started actually at/by the end of 2009 but the real effects where visible only in 2010. It is due to the world economical crisis on one hand and to own country's factors (high debt rate, approximately 120% of GDP and

    Essay Length: 559 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 15, 2011
  • 2010 European Sovereign Debt Crisis

    2010 European Sovereign Debt Crisis

    3) Overproduction of goods, since workers as a class are never paid enough to buy back, in their role as consumers, the ever growing amount of goods that they produce (in the era of automation, computerization and robotization, the gap between what workers produce--and can produce--and what their low wage

    Essay Length: 306 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: September 23, 2011
  • 2012 Superbowl Ads

    2012 Superbowl Ads

    The three advertisers that I felt had the most effective advertisements during the Super Bowl were Doritos, Bud Light, and M&M. There were multiple Doritos commercials that hit the air during the Super Bowl. One commercial was about a man looking for his missing cat. As he was looking for

    Essay Length: 849 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: July 25, 2012
  • 21st Century Teams Reflection Paper

    21st Century Teams Reflection Paper

    21st Century Teams Reflection Paper Introduction Week 1's readings brought many aspects to the forefront of our discussion question responses. This essay will cover some of the positive and negative experiences that I have had working with teams and the lessons they taught. It will also cover how workplaces use

    Essay Length: 585 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 9, 2014
  • 360 Degree Appraisal at Johnson and Johnson

    360 Degree Appraisal at Johnson and Johnson

    1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Johnson and Johnson's 360-degree appraisal? Ultimately, I believe that there are more disadvantages than advantages to the system. First of all the advantages of this system allows managers to specifically target a rate to be evaluated. This can help to ensure better

    Essay Length: 394 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 20, 2012
  • 3d Luggages, Inc. Business Model

    3d Luggages, Inc. Business Model

    CISB 5397 Assignment 1 ________________ The Business Model Canvas Designed for: 3D Luggage Designed by: Date: 06/03/2016 Version: 1 Part 2: Business Concept Assignment Company Name: 3D Luggages, Inc. Marketplace Problem: Lack of existence of a product on the market that automatically aids organized packing and unpacking for the user.

    Essay Length: 1,333 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: April 10, 2017
  • 3d Printer – a Game Changer and Industrial Robot

    3d Printer – a Game Changer and Industrial Robot

    Assignment: 3D Printer – A Game Changer and Industrial robot 3D printing refers to various processes of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.3D printing is changing the way we produce objects, from tools and toys, to food, and even body parts. These objects can be of almost

    Essay Length: 696 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 13, 2017
  • 3d Printing

    3d Printing

    How will 3-D Printing change the business environment? What is 3D printing? 3D printing or known as additive manufacturing is a process of three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. It has been in existence for decades but has recently morphed from a simplistic technology to a more complex

    Essay Length: 702 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: September 20, 2015
  • 3m and the Evolution of Post It Notes

    3m and the Evolution of Post It Notes

    1.Describe the "critical elements" in the evolution of Post-it Notes from genesis through market introduction. [4 points] The critical elements in the evolution of the Post-It Note are a clear representation of 3M's innovation chain. The Post-it Note was not a solution to a problem but an accident that took

    Essay Length: 1,068 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 16, 2013
  • 3m Canada - Industrial Business Division

    3m Canada - Industrial Business Division

    3M Canada: Industrial Business Division (Case Write up) Submitted By Sameeta Rajpal 1. Situation: The target is to boost its annual organic growth rate of 3 to 5 % to 12-15% in 18 months. IBD’S primary market segment that is OEM is a volatile customer group influenced by economy and

    Essay Length: 1,385 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: September 17, 2016
  • 3m Case Study

    3m Case Study

    Week 4: 3M Case Study Jeanette Hurtado Creativity, Innovation, and New Product Development Professor Christine Rainwater January 29, 2012 1. There are many examples of successful companies. To what extent is 3M justifiably highlighted as the 'innovating machine'? 3M is an "innovating machine" because they (the company) have been able

    Essay Length: 1,277 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: February 12, 2012
  • 3m Company

    3m Company

    3M has strong R&D capabilities. The company conducts research to develop new products and improve existing products, as well as to enhance manufacturing and production methods and improve service. The company’s R&D activities generate a steady stream of inventions that are covered by new patents. The company has introduced

    Essay Length: 1,406 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2015
  • 3m Company Analysis

    3m Company Analysis

    3M is established as one of Minnesota's most well known and respected companies. This paper gives insight on how 3M's views and policies relate to our global community. Our focus is on current issues, such as, how 3M has survived global recession, investment in China, and company policies. We will

    Essay Length: 4,386 Words / 18 Pages
    Submitted: March 13, 2011
  • 3m Company Case Study

    3m Company Case Study

    Running Head: 3M COMPANY, MCS: REPORT 5 MCS: Report 5 of the 3M Company 3M Company's Mission Statement The 3M Company's mission statement states, "To solve unsolved problems innovatively." The 3M Company's vision is to be the most innovative enterprise and our customers' preferred supplier. Innovation applies not just to

    Essay Length: 1,079 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: April 5, 2012
  • 3m Health Care

    3m Health Care

    CASE MEMO: 3M HEALTH CARE 3M Health Care’s medical market division could save $2.85 million per month if it chooses direct-sell model as opposed to selling its products to Canadian hospitals through Value-added resellers (VARs). The division’s current distribution model is a mix of VARs and direct selling, where

    Essay Length: 826 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: October 30, 2016
  • 4 Must Do Things to Get Your Business Known

    4 Must Do Things to Get Your Business Known

    5 Must Do's to Get Your New Business Known Actually, getting your business known and generating revenue are two distinct phases of the start up process. Let's focus on getting your customers to know about your business first. As a sole trader it's vital that people know about you and

    Essay Length: 517 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: September 18, 2012
  • 4 Ps for Portable Charger

    4 Ps for Portable Charger

    4PS Product: The product that we are offering to the customers is an eco-friendly Powerstick. The features of the Powerstick are the following: energy saving, wireless system, rechargeable system, eco-friendly materials, single small plug, disposable and recyclable. The first prototype is based on a stick which recycles energy through a

    Essay Length: 601 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 26, 2017
  • 4c's Stakeholder Analysis of Nintendo in 2006

    4c's Stakeholder Analysis of Nintendo in 2006

    1. 4c's Stakeholder Analysis of Nintendo in 2006 Consumers Nintendo found a separate market segment out of the present market segment and devising a radically new strategy, the objective is to get to the non-gamers and create a bigger market, before Satoru Iwata came in, the existing video game market

    Essay Length: 2,630 Words / 11 Pages
    Submitted: July 10, 2011
  • 5c's Analysis of a Brand

    5c's Analysis of a Brand

    5C's(forces) analysis of a brand. Strategic Brand Management (5 C Model) : The strategic planning for a brand starts with an understanding of an organization's business strategy. The business strategy is usually aimed at achieving particular consumer behavior. Only if consumers actually purchase, use goods (more often), pay a higher

    Essay Length: 1,330 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: August 17, 2011
  • 6 Thinking Hats Tool for Individual Thinking

    6 Thinking Hats Tool for Individual Thinking

    Decision-making is the process of selecting from multiple choices and taking action (McDermott, n.d.). The decisions one makes range in importance from minimal to life-altering. Some decisions are personal others are work-related, but no matter the arena it is important to utilize one or more decision-making tools or techniques. The

    Essay Length: 1,256 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 8, 2011

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