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Google's China Problem - Cross-Cultural Sensitivity or Cross-Cultural Awareness in the Global Workplace

Essay by   •  November 28, 2015  •  Coursework  •  1,327 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,872 Views

Essay Preview: Google's China Problem - Cross-Cultural Sensitivity or Cross-Cultural Awareness in the Global Workplace

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Cross Cultural Communications

Cross-cultural sensitivity or cross-cultural awareness in the global workplace


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Table of Contents


2. Cultural differences        

2.1 American(Google) and China culture        

2.2 Google and China approach to privacy issues        

2.3 Google search engine (Business etiquette - cultural custom)        

2.4 Google vs China organisation culture dealing with China Government        

3. The Great Firewall        

3.1 Internal/ External self-censorship        

4. Self-disciple Award        

4.1 Intimidation/ self-regulation        

5. Compromise and disclaimers        

5.1 Operating outside/ inside of China        

5.1.1 Positive and Negative face        

5.2 Google’s conflict management Style        

6. ZhaoJing’s ranking        

6.1 Companies ranking‘s in order of ethnics        


Refer to appendix document        



On 3rd September 2002, Google’s site in China was shut down by the Chinese Government due to censorship issues. In order for Google to operate in China, they are required to perform self-censorship.

This report analyse Google's operation in China which covers cross cultural differences of Google (America) and China corporate organisation. The Great Firewall which talk about internal and external censorship, self-discipline award which highlights intimidation/ self-regulation. Other topic includes compromise and disclaimers which touches on operation within (Google.cn) and outside (Google.com) of China and lastly Zhao Jing ranking on company ethics which Google top the pile.

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2. Cultural differences

2.1 American(Google) and China culture

2.2 Google and China approach towards privacy issues

2.3 Google search engine on Business Etiquette

2.4 Google vs China Organization Culture

3. The Great Firewall

3.1 Censorship (Internal / External)

3.2 Fiber-optic (router)


4. Self-Discipline Award

4.1 Intimidation/ Self-


4.2 Psychological truth

5. Compromise & Disclaimers

5.1 Operating outside China

5.2 Operating inside China

6. Zhao Jing Ranking

6.1 Companies ranking‘s in order of ethics - Google on top of the pile

2. Cultural differences

2.1 American(Google) and China culture



Visible layer

  1. Rely more on email for tracking and cross referencing on information.
  2. Official matter will not be discuss over mobile phone or short text messages
  3. Chat group is more for casual mean of open discussion
  4. Intellectual of property
  5. Acting as a search engine for information
  1. Chinese business people rarely rely on email because ideas of leaving messages seem socially awkward
  2. Prefer over mobile phone and short text messages
  3. Instant discussion group base on popular search quires and chat room
  4. Downloading illegal MP3 and movie  are legal in China

Hidden layer

  1. Have the most people getting the most information available
  2. Youth + equity + freedom + bottom up- innovation + user focus + don’t be evil = Google miracle
  1. No concern about intellectual property
  2. Bigger market share is their goal


2.2 Google and China's approach towards privacy issues





  1. Intellectual property is of a company asset which is legal binding
  2. Providing open source information globally

  1. No concern over intellectual property as a legal regulatory compliance in China
  2. Understand the user’s requirement lies in the area of pirated music, movie and software


  1. Multi-lingual search engine
  2. Download music movie software are paid service e.g. I tunes
  1. Chinese businesses purely focus on China market by creating a easy to use search engine in Chinese language only
  2. Target user’s looking for free download

2.3 Google search engine (Business etiquette - cultural custom)

Foreign companies should have an understanding of China’s business culture and etiquette when dealing with the Chinese counterpart.



Consideration -Cultural custom

  1. Google server is able to detect the end users in the country that they are in and provide them the related search language interface  
  2. Google are favour by aspirational white collar western culture thinking
  1. China has limited language search interface as their target end users are Chinese
  2. China target majority of the local users

2.4 Google vs China organisation culture dealing with China Government



Power distance


  1. Conduct of business according to company mission

(Refer to appendix A)


  1. Abide to law, regulations and policies in China

(Refer to appendix B)

Group Focus


  1. Provides a comprehensive international search information


  1. Provide restricted information which legally approved by China

3. The Great Firewall

3.1 Internal/ External self-censorship

For company inside China, need to perform self-censorship in order to stay in the government good grading. Else they would be detained and punished for any anti-government posts.



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