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L'oreal's Acd Supply Chain Puzzle

Essay by   •  May 23, 2018  •  Case Study  •  3,571 Words (15 Pages)  •  6,122 Views

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L’Oreal’s ACD supply chain puzzle

Case study analysis report

Le Ba An Binh – s3654515 | BUSM 4532 – Business Operations Management | May 20th 2018

Word-count: 3,121

  1. Introduction

L’Oreal’s Active Cosmetics Division (ACD) is one of the four personal care divisions of L’Oreal S.A, the world’s largest cosmetic company. This division offers brands of products which are suitable for sensitive skin or dermatological conditions.

This report presents the findings of analysis conducted for L’Oreal’s ACD focusing on the degrading service level problem that the division encountered in the last two years. It will start with a thorough situation analysis of L’Oreal’s ACD, followed by problem identification and solution generation using the Double Diamond Design Thinking framework. The generated solutions will then be run through the Desirability, Viability and Feasibility sieves to yield the final recommendation to improve the situation at L’Oreal’s ACD.  

  1. Assessment Method

Since “L’Oreal’s ACD’s supply chain puzzle” was a complex business problem that involved many processes and people, Design Thinking method was employed.

Design Thinking is a human-centered methodology that yields a more empathetic view of the situation and thus is able to provide solution that add real and practical value to the system and its users. One popular Design Thinking framework is the Double Diamond (Design Council, 2005) framework that maps the problem-solving process into 04 phases: Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver in which the first two Ds focus on problem identification and prioritization while the last two Ds facilitate the solution generation and shortlisting. Each pair involves two different types of thinking: divergent and convergent. The first type of thinking is about thinking broadly, considering anything and everything with an open mind. Convergent thinking, on the other hand, helps to bring back the focus and to define one or two key areas to proceed further.

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Table 01: Double Diamond framework - Design Thinking (Design Council, 2005)

This report will follow these phases closely in the following sections.

  1. Situation Analysis

In the Discover phase of the Double Diamond framework, this report will start by looking at L’Oreal’s ACD as a whole, reviewing both internal and external factors of the system through a SWOT analysis. It will then move along L’Oreal’s ACD supply chain to find all potential problems.

  1. SWOT analysis

As the abbreviation of SWOT stands for, the SWOT analysis is a tool to provide an overview of the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat of an organization. The Weakness and Threat session of the SWOT analysis will help giving more context for further identification of problems.

Details of the SWOT analysis is listed in table 06 in the appendix. Key highlights from the SWOT analysis are below.

It was obviously the strength of L’Oreal’s ACD to have a decent portfolio of brands and products that accepted and distributed in more than 20 countries world-wide. Moreover, the division was able to meet customer’s needs and usage occasions via its 2,300 SKUs list through its two key distribution channels. On top of these, the French origin and its famous water source also helped L’Oreal’s ACD’s business.

These strengths, at the same time, put pressure on L’Oreal’s ACD’s supply chain. In order to leverage its water source, the production had to be centralized in France and finished goods had to be shipped to local markets. Yet, the current supply chain structure and way of working could not yet cope with this complication as evidenced in human error when consolidating the global demand plan or when inputting the launch time of a specific market.  

There were also mis-alignment between different functions within L’Oreal’s ACD as well as discontent between the factory and its key supplier. This resulted in changes in production plan in the last minutes which directly affected the volume delivered to each country and, in turn, the sale performance of that country for not having enough stock to sell.

All of these will be explored further in the next section in which each function together with its related stakeholders will be carefully assessed.


Many empathy interviews were conducted with key people in all departments of the L’Oreal’s ACD supply chain and suppliers. Various issues and problems were detected. They are all listed in the table below. This also concludes the Discover phase of the Double Diamond Design Thinking framework.




Error in consolidating demand plan at the International Supply Chain department

  • Launches were sometimes placed in the wrong month due to human error, or the internal product codes
    had changed or the data was incomplete in some other way

International Supply Chain team

Production plan was not reliable, and the changes weren't communicated early enough to other departments

  • "CAP Factory lowers their production plan at the beginning of the month and removes production that they can’t do." Sabine complained.
  • The plant communicated that they would produce a key SKU, and then at the start of the month they changed their plans

CAP factory

CAP factory didn't communicate the root cause of their changes on production plan to ISC

  • "We (ISC) try to get to the bottom of why the plan has changed, but we can’t seem to get any straight answers." said by one member of Sabine's team.

CAP factory

CAP's production achievement and adherence were lower than other factories.

  • CAP's production achievement and adherence were 97% and 92% respectively. These were lower than norm of 100% and 92% at other factories.

CAP factory

Demand forecast sent by ISC was not accurate

  • Sales forecast was off by 33%.
  • "It seems like we are always dealing with demand increases", commented by Philibert

International Supply Chain team

The Tube supplier can't accommodate the increased demand within expected time-frame

  • François complained that the tube supplier would not accept increases if it was given less than three months’ notice.
  • Tube supplier should be able to accommodate changes in demand for tube quantities with only two months’ warning

Tube supplier

The tube supplier delivered materials late and with quality issues

  • There have been a series of quality issues and late deliveries (from the tub supplier) said François

Tube supplier

ISC tried to interfere into CAP factory's expertise

  • Whenever Fred provided bad news about a service issue, the International Supply Chain team would pepper him with questions and offer unsolicited ideas
    on how to resolve the problem of the moment

International Supply Chain team

CAP factory didn't take the tube supplier's feedback into account for their production plan

  • "I raise the flag immediately when I can’t answer a requirement, but it’s like I’m talking to a wall. The next month the requirement hasn’t gone back down. It’s almost as though they feel that if they keep asking the same question, the answer will eventually be what they want to hear", said Nelly - The Tube Supplier's supply chain head

CAP factory

Too many MRP planners communicated to the tube supplier at the same time

  • MRP planners working with the tube supplier is now 11 (up from 3).
  • The tube supplier also confirmed to receive requirements from several people (from CAP factory)

CAP factory

Table 02: Initial issue & problem identification



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