Outline About Gmo's
Essay by Danni B. • November 15, 2017 • Coursework • 417 Words (2 Pages) • 1,107 Views
Journal outline 4
I. Most of our food that we eat is genetically modified organisms which is also known as GMO’s. About seventy-five to eighty percent of our food that we eat is genetically modified. The problem is that we don’t know what food is genetically modified unless labels say otherwise. But I feel that people need to know what they are buying, and they shouldn’t have to search for labels to eat un-genetically modified food. Genetically modified is when scientists take foods produced from organisms that had changes introduced from their DNA using the method of genetic engineering. With this technique allows greater control over traits and allows introduction of new traits. Scientists believe the process in engineering food doesn’t harm people. Well they are wrong. Gm foods may not cause ill effects for people in short term but in the long run its different story, it causes a long line of diseases in the future. Plants aren’t the only food that’s genetically modified, it’s also animals, grains, bugs, and anything that has life. With scientist playing with the DNA of the food that we eat, causes people to have a widespread of side effects such as premature aging, reproductive disorders, immune imbalances, gastrointestinal problems, organ damage, insulin and cholesterol disorder, and cancer.
II. Government refused to label food that is GM.
a. Voluntary labels or certified products
1. I only find foods in the store that says free of GMO’s.
2. I’ve never found food that stated that it had GMO’s.
b. Refusing to label causes irreversible damage
1. Human health
2. Environmental
III. Lab rat studies GMO’s and herbicide in their water.
a. Shows ill effects on health
1. Female rats formed tumors.
2. Male rats formed liver and kidney diseases.
IV. Scientist need more funding for Lab rats
a. Wasn’t enough lab rat to supports the evidence that GMO’s are unhealthy
1. Scientists’ states that there is something wrong with GM
2. Scientists are questioning the studies of GM
b. Government doesn’t care about the health of people
1. USDA spent 1.8 billion of bio research
2. Only 1% went to safety testing
V. I believe that the underlining issue is that GMO’s are the major reason for people’s health problems