Paternity Leave for Father's
Essay by cynn20ily • March 30, 2012 • Essay • 382 Words (2 Pages) • 2,332 Views
Paternity Leave for Father's
When a woman becomes pregnant she is automatically able to recieve maternity leave from work after giving birth, to recover and spend time with her newborn. Some fathers aren't so lucky, bosses aren't to enthused to give time off. But I believe fathers have the right and of course as much obligation as the mother to care for a newborn. Fathers should be provided paternity leave from work because they are able to help a mother rest, and it gives them tiime to bond with their new born.
Mother's need to able to rest and recover after such a life changing experiance. After giving birth a woman's body can be very exhausted and adding a baby to the sitituation makes her even more exhausted. Having the father there to help with cleaning bottles, changing dipers, and soothing a crying baby helps a mom from draining herself. Its could make her more confident and relaxed having another body in the house. Many women suffer from post partum depression and with fathers being home it helps to put a little ease, since babies can be overwhelming. Also some woman undergo cesarean surgery in order to birth her child. Cesarean surgery are very painful to recover from and take longer, then incision also prevents mothers from doing any kind of task.
Another is new babies should be able to spend as much time with their father, as much as their mother. Emotionally its good for a new baby to have their father there since thats when all the bonding time happens and with that dads get to know all the little details their baby have. I would also assum that a father may begin to feel trapped at work knowing their new child is making all these developement leaps at home. It also helps a mother, seeing her husband/boyfriend bonding with their child. "Statistics have proven that men that are an active part of their children's births and are present for the first few weeks after, have a stronger bond with their children, making them better fathers, and giving the children a better environment to grow up in."
Some people aren't really convinced that men should get paternity leave, because obviously woman are the ones that get pregnant and go through childbirth.