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Reviewer Question: What Is the Author's Thesis?

Essay by   •  August 8, 2011  •  Essay  •  656 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,731 Views

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1. Reviewer question: What is the author's thesis?

Mr. Carl Robins was given an assignment for the company he works for ABC, Inc. He was not well prepared to take on his tasks of training new employees. He worked to try and make trainings and important papers to be signed and was not organized in checking schedules for the dates of training.

2. Reviewer question: Is the thesis clearly stated? If not, how would you help the writer restate it? The thesis clearly states the reason for Mr. Carl Robin's plan of action. I feel like the thesis could have been explained in a little more detail.

Writer question: List the changes made based on this feedback. Also list those suggestions that were offered but that you did not make, and explain why you did not make the suggestions. My reviewer explained that my thesis was clearly stated, but I could add more detail to the thesis, I feel that a thesis is just a brief decriptions of what the body of the paper, I think that this is why I have the body so that I can explain my thesis and close it with the conclusion I appreciate your ideas for my thesis and I will add more detail to the thesis.

3. Reviewer question: Does the essay's body stick to the main topic? If not, where does it digress, and how could the writer revise the paper to make it stay more on the main topic?

Yes the body of the essay sticks to the main topic. It shares the reasons and problems behind Carl Robin's work ethics.

Writer question: List the changes made based on this feedback. Also list those suggestions that were offered but that you did not make, and explain why you did not make the suggested changes. There are changes that I did to the body because my reviewer said that my body of the essay was ok.

4. Reviewer question: Does the paper contain any ambiguously-worded or confusing sentences? Please list them below and offer a suggested revision for each one you identify.

He just assumed. This sentence could have been put together with the one before.

Suggestions: Carl assumed that all important parts of the training position would be completed.

Writer question: List the changes made based on this feedback. Also list those suggestions that were offered but that you did not make, and explain why you did not make the suggested changes. Change was made- instead of putting Carl, I could have said He just assumed.

5. Reviewer question: Which closing strategy did



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