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A New Work Ethic

Essay by   •  April 27, 2012  •  Study Guide  •  635 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,471 Views

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A New Work Ethic

Denver Tolley

Ali Said


April 26, 2012


After reading the article "A New Work Ethic", I felt like I have seen that type of behavior before. Kids now and days are not brought up to respect people or even to respect their job. Customer service is a large part of a lot of businesses and when the employees act like they are acting in the article, lots of businesses will be in trouble. With Sheehy's coworkers, it was to hurry up and get rid of the customers type of attitude. This is not the type of customer service that company's need for them to be successful. "Describe how typical the attitudes that Sheehy reports appear to be in work environments you have experienced". The attitudes described by Sheehy are very consistent in how employees act in the world today. As he mentioned in his article, most of the employees in fast food restaurants are upper class teenagers or college kids just working to make a few extra dollars while they were home for the summer months. These types of students just regarded the job as something to do until they found a "real job". They reject the idea of hard work or even long hours. When I go into a fast food restaurant, my order is sometimes wrong, the floors are dirty, the tables are dirty and the employees get angry when you tell them that your order is wrong. They just throw food in the bag and send you on your way. The employees would walk around and joke with one another and act like you have all day and really you are probably in a hurry. You can definitely tell that they are not interested at all to give you good customer service. But I can't blame that on all fast food employees, there are a few that do care and they do their best to help you out and make sure your order is correct before it gets handed to you. These are the restaurants that you would like to visit more than once; good customer service is always a plus. The article definitely describes a few places I have been in around my area. Kids learn from their parents and if the parents do not respect and pride or teach them respect and pride, then that is how they are going to be when they start working.


"Explain the implications of the work ethic Sheehy describes for the future of American business". The values of customer service are not like they use to be. Finding hard working employees is actually hard today, most kids are lazy and do not put forth the effort to do their jobs properly. They do not take any pride in their work or their company. Some of the younger generation will seek challenges



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