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A Personalised Induction

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This paper will discuss methods and techniques used to personalise screeds to suit clients that we are working with.

How we decide which modality to use on our clients, how important an initial consultation can be and my argument for using personalised screeds.

I will discuss the factors involved in creating personalised screeds, and the benefits of creating a personalised screed for clients. Using different modalities and whether a script should be authoritative or permissive.

I personally favour personalised screeds but will also highlight areas when these could actually hinder a hypnotic session.

The more personalised hypnotherapy is, the more effective it will be, as whilst all humans appear quite similar, we are different in many ways. We have different likes and dislike; come from different cultural backgrounds; and will have been brought up in environments that have provided us with different outlooks, values and perspectives.

If the best possible results are to be obtained there is a need to work closely with individuals in order to identify their likes and dislikes as well as their personality. In this way we can gain their trust and assist them in reaching a deep state of hypnosis.

When we communicate with people we do not only use words but body language and tone also play a large part in what is actually being communicated. Some people will use words that will assist you in determining which modality would suit them best.

For example somebody who would say "looks good to me" shows signs that Visual is a language that suits them best.

Eye movements are also a good way to determine someone's modality.

Below I will list out the modalities and how you can ascertain which modality would best suit a client, or if indeed a compounded screed would be better.


There are five areas of modality but the three main areas are, feeling, visual and auditory.

The other two being Olfactory (smell) and Gustatory (taste).[1] handout


This modality covers our feelings and someone whose preferred language is kinaesthetic would say things like

"I know how you feel"

" I am warming to him"

People who lean to this modality will be those that touch and feel things, before they purchase them.

Eye movements associated with this modality will be down and to the right.

Tonality with this modality is usually soft and a deeper tone.

A kinaesthetic posture is rounded shoulders and gestures are mid to lower body.


As its title says, this is a visual language where clients may says things like

" Looks good to me"

" I see no reason this wouldn't work"

People with this primary modality may be interested in drawing or design.

Their eye movements will go to the right when they are forming images and will go to the left when they are remembering images

Tonality with this modality is high and clear and faster paced.

Visual modality types will appear less relaxed in body and are often a thinner body type.


Those favouring Auditory modality will say things like

" I hear what your saying"

"That's music to my ears"

When an auditory client is constructing sound their eyes will go to the left and when remembering sounds will go to the right.

Their tonality is melodic and their speed of speech in between those of Kinaesthetic and Visual.

Their posture has them with a tilt to their head and may exhibit rhythmic body movement.

These traits in all people enable us to determine which modality to use when hypnotising our clients, and the best way of finding out this information is to talk with the client, listen for words that they are using, watch their body movements and gestures and observe their eye movements. The more tailored a screed is the more likely a client will go into a deeper trance and therefore reap greater benefit from the hypnosis session.

Along with modalities screeds can be Authoritative or Permissive. Both have a role in personalising screeds.


Milton H Erickson was a pioneer in the permissive screed. Born in 1901, was introduced to hypnosis by Clark Hall, but Erickson considered the clients internal processes to be very important. He become the president and founder of the American society for Clinical Hypnosis in 1957.

Erickson believed that the unconscious mind was always listening, and that, whether or not the patient was in trance, suggestions could be made which would have a hypnotic influence, as long as those suggestions found some resonance at the unconscious level. The patient can be aware of this, or can be completely oblivious that something is happening. Erickson would see if the patient would respond to one or another kind of indirect suggestion, and allow the unconscious mind to actively participate in the therapeutic process.

Where classical hypnosis is authoritative and direct, and often encounters resistance in the subject, Erickson's approach is permissive, accommodating and indirect [2] wkipedia

Believing that what the therapist said was less important than what the client did with the information impacted more. [2]Hypnotherapy a handbook, page 184

Permissive screeds will use nurturing and caring words, such as:

"In your own time you may like to close your eyes"

"you may allow yourself to become totally relaxed"

These types of words make the client feel safe and do not force



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