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Abstract on Methods of Adoption of Administrative Decisions

Essay by   •  September 23, 2015  •  Term Paper  •  3,617 Words (15 Pages)  •  1,905 Views

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Table of contents:


Chapter 1. Types of administrative decisions

Chapter 2. Methods of managerial decision-making

Chapter 3. Methods modeling solutions

Chapter 4. Decision-making




"Methods of adoption of administrative decisions" - one of disputable and hot topics in the theory of management. Management appeared together with people. There where at least two persons unite in aspiration to achieve any common goal, there is a problem of coordination of their joint actions which decision someone from them has to assume.

The purpose of this paper is disclosure of essence of methods of adoption of administrative decisions, process and procedure of their acceptance.

Task: description of methods of adoption of administrative decisions.

Before starting disclosure of a subject of the paper it is necessary to decide on terminology.

The concept "decision" of scientific literature is treated differently. It is understood both as process, and as the act of a choice, and as result of a choice.

The decision as process is characterized by that it, proceeding in time, carried out in some stages. In this regard here pertinently to speak about stages of preparation, acceptance and implementation of decisions. The stage of decision-making can be treated as the act of a choice which is carried out for individual or a group of persons, making the decision about the help of certain rules.

The decision as result of a choice represents the instruction to action (the plan of work, version of the project, etc.).

The decision is one of types of cogitative activity and manifestation of will of the person. It is characterized by the following signs:

• possibility of a choice from a set of alternative options: if there are no alternatives, there is no choice and, therefore, there is no decision also;

• existence of the purpose: the aimless choice isn't considered as the decision;

• need of the strong-willed act of the head at a decision choice.

The administrative decision is a result of concrete administrative activity of the manager. The administrative decision is a one-time act of impact of the subject of management on the object installing the program of the works directed on definition and realization of the specific goal following from the general tasks facing the operated object. It is based on the analysis of actually current situation and alternatives of its decision. Decision-making is a basis of management. Development and decision-making is the creative process in activity of heads of any level including:

• development and statement of the purpose;

• studying of a problem on the basis of the received information;

• a choice and justification of criteria of efficiency (productivity) and possible consequences of the made decision;

• discussion with experts of various options of a solution (task);

• choice and formulation of the optimum decision;

• decision-making;

• a decision specification for its performers.

Methods of development of administrative decisions include ways and methods of performance of the operations necessary in development of administrative decisions. Ways of the analysis, information processing, a choice of options of actions and so forth concern to them.

Chapter 1. Types of administrative decisions

In management of social and economic systems measures of impact on groups of workers are carried out. These measures – result of the administrative decisions developed in management personnel with active participation of all collective working. Justification, acceptance and the organization of implementation of decisions are the main content of management process. Management process includes registration, data collection and processing, preparation and a choice of alternatives of the decision, definition of resource providing and stages of its performance, control and the analysis of its implementation. This process represents set of specific cycles of preparation, acceptance and implementation of administrative decisions. Preparation, acceptance and implementation of the decision represent the parts of management process reflecting its main contents and which are characterized by an one-time action , alternative character, focus and existence of the action program. The decision only then is real when it resource also is organizationally provided. For this reason each decision has to be addressed. This situation integrally connects process of acceptance and implementation of the decision.

Depending on the purposes and methods of development distinguish the following main kinds of administrative decisions.

On object scales – the global, covering everything links of the operated system; local, addressed to a current link or division.

On character of the purposes – the strategic, defining general tasks; tactical in which more private tasks directed on implementation of earlier developed strategy are developed; quick, directed on implementation of priorities.

On the implementation time period – perspective (long-term), intended for the long period of time; current (medium-term), being part, specification and specification of the



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