Essay by people • September 14, 2011 • Essay • 1,743 Words (7 Pages) • 1,583 Views
It's hard on the poor kids
My daughter is 6 and has had lice 4-5 times since she started going to daycare 3 years ago. I hate that. Her BEST friend of 3+ years has brought it to our home 3 of the times. All three times she spent the night with my daughter, within days, she would have lice. The 4th time my daughter got it at her house. The daycare teachers told me that this poor little girl and her brothers and sisters have lice at least once every couple of months. I know it doesn't mean they are dirty, but all the time. I had to stop the two of them from playing together, and that SUCKS!!! My daughter has extremely thick dark brown hair, and the last time she had it, within 2 days, I spent a total of 15 hours nitpicking while she slept. Now she has nits again, I see NO bugs at all, but 15+ hours again, she is not happy. I know it's something almost every family deals with, but I'm tired of it!!! Fortunately though I have not gotten it. I wish they would disappear.--Guest Jessica
When I was a kid I remember everyone use to have little sleep overs and share pillows and sleep in sleeping bags together. Well that wasn't me. The day I came home from the sleepover I was constantly itching and scratching. I had very long nails, so every time I itched I would check my nails. About two weeks later I found a louse bug in my NAIL! It was gross. I immediately showed my mom and we did the vinegar treatment. It worked! But ever since that I checked my kids hair about once a month.--Guest blah gross
Mom, they're moving
This was a while ago. My son was 6 and he had a headful of beautiful golden curls. He'd just taken a shower and he called me into the bathroom, alarmed because he something was in hair. I said, "Honey, it's just sand." He said, "No mom, they're moving!' I looked more closely, but I still couldn't believe it. I was in deep, deep denial that MY CHILD could have lice. I must have spent 5 minutes looking at his scalp, trying to convince myself that it just wasn't so, then I got him dressed in a hurry and we immediately went to the pharmacy to get the shampoo. After repeated shampooings, washing all the bed linen and all his clothes and stuffed toys, taking the rug out of his room, and repeatedly combing through his hair with the plastic comb that came with the shampoo, he still had lice. It wasn't until we bought one of those fine-toothed metal combs that we finally got rid of the critters. It took hours of tortuous combing, but the comb did the trick.--Guest SusanH
I never thought this would happen to my famuily either. My daughter caught them from her best friend & had them for like 3 months. The mayo does work. leave it on for like 2-3 hours & plastic wrap your head to suffocate them. I did have to do it several times but I think they're gone ( fingers crossed ) Our doctor said they are becoming resistant to the lice shampoo & the mayo is a better option. --Guest AnonMom
so, i am in 8th grade now & i just found out i have head lice. i have it reallllllly bad i guess. my hair is very think & kind if long, but not reallly long. i'm scared. my mom is gonna try every solution to get rid of it. i cry constantly ever since i got it & i can't sleep. i love my hair so much & this is a huge deal to me.--Guest IhateLice
lice sucks
ahhhh i hate lice!!! i have always been so scared of them but i just got them for the first time from my cousins who live with them constantly! i tried nix and used 2 bottles because my hair is so long and thick and the next day i brushed 6 live lice out! and i keep getting them on my hairbrush and finding them everywhere! they gross me out so much, i've been crying since i got them. you're supposed to wait 14 days but i'm trying nix again tonight because i don't know what to do..i don't know why it didn't work the first time! we combed it forever and washed and vacuumed everything too! i also tried mayo and that didn't work...if it doesn't work tonight i'm gonna freak out, i don't even know what to do. i HATE lice.--Guest hate lice
Im 14 and i recently went to the hair dresser to get my hair cut and my hair dresser told me i had lice. I was so annoyed and embarrased i cried, its so unfair and gross. Ive had problems with lice before but id hoped being in high school they would be gone, i think i got them from one of my best friends but i dont want to tell anyone cause its too embarrasing, its just gross and i want to get rid of them but the treatment makes my hair stink and its disgusting. It just makes me so embarrased--Guest guest
Why did you have to come back?
I just found out I have it again. The