Advanced Chairside Assisting - Faculty Teaching Guide for Expanded Functions
Essay by people • August 1, 2011 • Essay • 605 Words (3 Pages) • 2,303 Views
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Faculty Teaching Guide for Expanded Functions
Module - Advanced Chairside Assisting
Faculty Teaching Guide for Expanded Functions
Module: Advanced Chairside Assisting
Module Overview
A simple definition of an expanded function dental assistant is an individual who is permitted by the state in which he/she resides to perform specific tasks independently but under the direct supervision of a dentist. The advantage of having a dental assistant with expanded functions is that the dentist is then freed up to do other duties. This module discusses a variety of expanded chairside functions that includes dental dam, matrix and wedge, and coronal polish.
The Big Picture
This module utilizes the following learner resources:
Textbook: Dental Assisting, A Comprehensive Approach, 2nd edition, by Donna J. Phinney and Judy Halstead. Delmar Learning, 2004. ISBN 1-4018-3480-9.
Workbook: Workbook to Accompany Dental Assisting, A Comprehensive Approach, 2nd edition, by Donna J. Phinney and Judy Halstead, prepared by Karen L. Waide, Delmar Learning, 2004. ISBN 1-4018-3483-3.
Instructor's Manual: Instructor's Manual to Accompany Delmar's Dental Assisting, A Comprehensive Approach, 2nd edition, by Donna J. Phinney and Judy Halstead. Delmar Learning, 2004. ISBN 1-4018-3482-5.
Electronic CD-ROM: Delmar's Dental Assisting Interactive Skills and Procedures CD-ROM, ISBN 1-4018-3485-X.
Faculty CD-ROM: The faculty CD-ROM includes this Faculty Guide and the PowerPoint Presentation for Expanded Functions.
Additional Resources
Materials and Procedures for Today's Dental Assistant, by Ellen Dietz, Delmar Learning, 2004. ISBN 0-7668-2659-7.
Electronic Classroom Manager to Accompany Delamr's Dental Assisting, A Comprehensive Approach, 2nd edition, by Donna J. Phinney and Judy Halstead. Delmar Learning, 2004. ISBN: 1-4018-3484-1.
Section 1: Advanced Chairside Assisting
Section Overview
Advanced chairside procedures include techniques that are specific advanced tasks that require skill and responsibility. Throughout this section the learners will be concentrating on each part of expanded functions which includes dental dam, matrix and wedge, placing cavity liners, cement bases, gingival retraction, coronal polish, enamel sealants, suture removal, and bleaching techniques.
Outline of Section
Part A: Restorative Techniques
Part B: Gingival Retraction
Part C: Preventive Procedures
Part D: Expanded Functions