Al Capone 1920's: Prohibition
Essay by people • March 6, 2012 • Essay • 572 Words (3 Pages) • 1,689 Views
Al Capone 1920's: Prohibition
How are ya'll doing' today? I'm sure you all have heard of me, but just in case you haven't the names Al Capone, but just call me Al. You know ever since I was a boy, I always saw the opportunity in certain things that the rest of you people don't. I know how this world goes, it's dog eat dog and you got to do what you got to do to be on top. I never saw the point in going' to school, which is why I did everything I could to get out of that dump and eventually they finally expelled me when I was 14. I didn't waste any time after that, and joined the Five Points in their schemes, and let's just say I was very fortunate enough to be a natural at the game. By the time the 1920's rolled around, and those knuckle heads who thought it'd be a good idea to take away something so relied on in our society to ensure safety, brought nothing but widespread chaos to the world and presented me with something' that I couldn't pass up. I saw something that was bigger than anything I've ever taken interest towards, and was risky business, but hey like I told you I'm a natural. I never thought the people that are trying to put me away, would throw me the opportunity to take over. You see I make money off of this country's failures, and there was nothing but failures that tagged along with the tension of their decisions. The decision also lost crucial tax revenue, put thousands out of jobs, and sent the country into terrible, terrible times many of you know as the Great Depression. What they did caused more harm than what was going' on before prohibition because people are going to do what they have to too escape this cruel world. In fact, 50,000 people died from contaminated alcohol, but who's to say I have any room to speak, since that law was in order, I've been doing' more killing than usual lately more than anyone can even put a number on. Actually you've probably heard, but a gang over on the North side was giving me some problems and interfering with my line of business so I thought it'd be beneficial to just get rid of them completely. Long story short, the fellas and me went over to the place and I had two of my guys go in as police officers, and then we followed in and lined them up against the wall and blasted every last one of them. The point is, it just goes to show you what this law only added more problems and more reason to kill. But hey, I'm not complaining. I fuel the chaos caused by the tension of the 1920's by corrupting it even more with my involvement in some very profitable business decisions, and killing each and every person that tries to keep me from running my city with everything I got, and I'd probably say between 500 and 1,000 people decided to get in the way. But in the end, I eased the tension that the prohibition and the 1920's brought