American History Take Home Test 2
Essay by huan8438 • October 1, 2012 • Essay • 1,947 Words (8 Pages) • 1,626 Views
Take home Test
Chapter 21
1.The social Gospel movement is an activity by leading employees to apply religious Ethics to industrial conditions and alleviate poverty, labor exploitation and slums. Many groups,ndrawing from different traditions and inspirations, responded to these economic and social issues. Protestant ministers were especially influential creating the Social gospel movement, which sought to introduce religious ethics into industrial relations and appealed to churches to meet their social responsibilities.
2.African- Americans have a long history of activism in Americans,They struggled to fight for their equal rights. Although most whites progressive promoted or accepted racial discrimination, and most blacks southerners had to adapt to it, and most black progressive activism was growing. Even in the south, some African American struggled to improve living and working conditions.
3.These journalist also spread reform ideas by creating a new form of investigating reporting known as the muckraking. Technological invnovations had recently made possible the mass circculations of magazines, and editors competed to attarct an expanding urban readership.
4.The sixteenth amendment is the constitutional revision that in 1913 authorized a federal income tax.which went into effect. Tax would provide the means for the government to expand its activities and responsibilities.
The short essay qeustion
A house that was led by a single white woman in the methodist church. Home missions promoted industrial education amoung the poor and helped working-class woman become self-sufficient. The home missions movement reflected an increased intrest in missionary work in white southern evangelical churches.woman took advantages of the church's prominence to build careers using the moral gravity of church affiliation to political advantages. Most of the major reform efforts in the south during this era emanated from the church,and from the woman for whom church work was an approved role for their gender. Lily Hammond, another Atlantans,extended the mission concept when shecopened the settlement house in back and wgite neighborhoods in Atlanta in the 1890. Settlement house pioneered in new York in the 1880,promoted middle class values in the poor neighborohoods and provided them with a permanent source of services. The term also has a second unrelated meaning in the contemporary USA, referring to independent living programs targeted towards young people who aged out of the foster care system. The us Congress's passed legislation in 1999, settling aside 140 million for independent living. Caring according to the needs of their neighborhood, settlement program , early childhood education,after school youth programs, art educations and performances, computter lab, English as a second language.mental Heath and home care. Many people that participate in the settlement programs live withen walking distance typically many staff are also neighborhood resident. A reform movement is a kind of social movement that aims to make a gradual change, or changed in certain aspects of life. A national movement began to form in the last decade of the 19th century. fed by inflannatory reporting of the muckraking journalists associated with mass circulation newspapers and periodicals. Reformers moved beyond throwing the rascals out to develop a program to underminde the operations out of the machine style of party organizations. National municipal league formed in 1894 to seves as a national organizations for the reform of municipal government. Urban reform progressivism began in the cities where the problems were most acute. dedicated men and woman of middle class background moved into the slums and etabalished settlement houses. Led by woman such as Jane Addams in Chicago and LIllian waid in New York, they hoped to improve slum life through programs of self-help. Other reformers attacked corruption in municipal government,they formed nonpartisan leagues to defeat the entrench bosses and their political machines. Urban reformers were often frustrated, however because state legislature, controlled by railroads and large corporations, obstructed the municipal struggle for the home rule.
Chapter 22
1.Mahanism is the conviction which is following the ideas advanced by Alfred Thayer Mahan,US security required a strong navy and economic and territorial expasion. Mahanism found a receptive audience.President Benjamin Harrison declared in 1891, that is a departure from the too conservative opinions which have been held therefore. They included politicians like Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevel, journalist like whitelaw Reid and Reid and Albert Shaw and diplomats and lawyer like in John ,Bay.
2.The Gentlemen agreement aim at working out through a series of diplomatic notes In 1707 and 1908, Japan agreed to deny passPorts to workers trying to come to the united states and the united states promised not prohibit Japanese immigration overtly or completely. He persuaded the city to rescind the school order in exchange for his limiting Japanese immigrations, which lay the heart of California hostility.
3.The government moved to advanced those interest. Without consulting the Chinese, secretary of state John Hay asked the imperial powers to maintain the open door commercial and financial activities of all nations withen ther Chinese spheres of influence. American policy of seeking equal trade and investment opportunity that related to foreign or regions.
4.Dollar diplomacy is the us policy which uses private investments in other countries to provide Americans diplomatic goals and business interest. American investment in the Caribbean increased significantly since the presidency from 1909-1913, and the state department help arranged for American bankers to establish financial control over Haiti and Honduras.
The Short essay question
Blaine and Seward were two secretaries of the state, William h Seward, secretary under president Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson ( 1861-1869) and James G. Blaine secretary under presidents James (1881,1889-1892) , laid the foundation for a larger and more aggressive U.S role in world affairs. Seward possessed and elaborate imperial visions, based on his