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Analysis of Figuritive Language Essay Done on Good Name in Man and Woman

Essay by   •  June 20, 2011  •  Essay  •  512 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,481 Views

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Analysis of Figuritive language essay done on Good Name in Man and Woman

For my first quote I chose the opening two lines "Good name in man and woman....... Is the immediate jewel of their souls."

For my second quote I chose the first half of the third line "Who steals my purse steals trash"

For my third and final quote I chose "Robs me of that wich not enriches him."

The first quote is important it's the opening sentence of the poem it sets the tone and brings in the subject of what the poem is about.

The literal meaning makes no sense at all it means the man or womans name is the center of their soul and there is no way to explain this as a image.

It does have a hiddin meaning in the time frame this poem was written all a person had was there word and the name they lived by so I think by saying its the immediate jewel of the soul is saying that this is all that matters if this is stolen you can't get it back. Everything relies on you'r reputation business and personal stuff alike so once it's tarnished with a bad name you lose everything.

My second quote is also very important to the theme and context of the poem it shoes that the arthor dosnt care about his or her belongings just there reputatoin witch fits in with the wrest of the poem.

The literal meaning is that if you steal my purse your stealing trash because it serves no importance.

The image that came to me when I was reading this quote was a petty thief stealing a small bag of usless garbage.

The hidden meaning for this quote isn't reall hidden it's basicly saying that the "purse" isnt imporant it just holds money and serves no purpose because without a honorable name its nothing

My third and final quote comes from othello act three scene three it's the second to last line.

The literal meaning is like a person is getting robbed by another man for something that will do him no good.

The imigary for this quote is very hard for me to explain because if the item that is being stolen serves no purpose to the thief and isn't really a object.

The hidden meaning behind the quote is very easy to explain though. I think it means that if you tarnish another mans reputation or steal it from him it would serve you no purpose because its not an object and it would be just like spreading false information you wouldn't really benefit from it.

I chose these three quotes because they all have similar meaning but are yet so different. To me they all mean



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