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Anger Case

Essay by   •  November 18, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,591 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,549 Views

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Anger if not controlled can ruin any relationship. When you hear anger you automatically think of a situation that makes you mad or you may think of a certain thing like a sports game that makes you angry. Or maybe there is someone that makes you angry. Anger isn't all ways a bad thing. Sometimes there are times for anger. Just look in the bible there are times we see that God was angry.

What is anger? Anger is a feeling. Anger varies from mild annoyance to a violent rage. We experience anger from an early age. But it becomes worse the older you get. It can last for years because of bitterness of can be short burst of rage. Anger can lead to bitterness, resentment, or hatred if not dealt with.

What causes anger? Anger is started when we fell threatened, demeaned, or something that stops you from completing your goal. We know when we are angry and the people around us know as well. But sometimes we keep anger in and this often leads to many psychological, interpersonal, physical, and spiritual problems.

In "Anger is a Choice" by Tim Lahaye and Bob Phillips, they have an overview of the "Origin of Anger" and it goes like this; First God gives us emotion. It is up to us how we use these emotions. If someone gives you something, it is up to you what you if you use it for good or bad.

Then it is clouded and warped because of our sin nature. Sin is the primary reason we struggle with anger. Since the day Adam ate that fruit we struggled with anger. Look at the very first murder, the story of Cain and Abel. Genesis 4:5-7 says "But for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his face fell. The Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it."" Just look at verse seven. "Sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it." We must not let sin rule over us. If we do let it, well just look at what it did to Cain. He killed his brother by his anger toward him.

Then we are influenced by temperament and body chemistry. Hippocrates said there are four basic temperaments: the sanguine super-extrovert salesman, the choleric extrovert strong willed leader, the melancholy introvert perfectionist, and the phlegmatic super-introvert passivist. Most of the time people fall into two of these.

Then we are influenced by personal desires, demands and expectations. What we want will make us strive deeply for it and put us to the test. Striving for our desires will put certain demands on us both physically and emotionally. And on top of that we are expected to do so much. These expectations could be from yourself, your family, or maybe someone you look up to. And you don't want to let them down. All of these things put a lot on our shoulders and if we let it get to us, we just may let it out in anger.

Positive and negative modeling from our family then influences us. If dad showed his anger by yelling, then we may show our anger like that. If mom just held it in and went silent when she got angry, then that may be the way we do it. This leads into the next influence.

Positive and negative personal experience and interpersonal relationships influence us. Not only the way that your family deals with anger influences you but anyone you see that is angry influences you. This could be other relatives, friends, co-workers, people in charge, and strangers. After seeing all the ways people deal with anger. We then develop our own way to deal with it. And all has to do with what we have seen.

Then uncontrolled outside forces influence us. Things like a death of someone close to you, your house burns down, the power goes out when you are watching your favorite show, or the team you wanted to win lost. All these things we cannot control. There is just something about not being in control of a situation that makes us angry. I don't understand it. If we don't have control over it then why do we get angry about it?

All of these influences have an impact on the way we deal with anger. From sin entering in to the world by Adam, to the things we cannot control.

Anger is although the Bible, sometimes it is good anger, but most times it is bad anger. God's anger, fury, and wrath are mentioned more then his love. Everything about God is good and God has anger. So therefore anger in itself is not bad. But because all the things mentioned earlier our anger



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