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Annotated Bibliographies of 3 Business Papers

Essay by   •  November 15, 2012  •  Annotated Bibliography  •  891 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,583 Views

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Hsu, J. S.C., Chang, J. Y.T., Klein, G., Jiang, J.J. (2011). Exploring the impact of team mental models on information utilization and project performance in system development. International Journal of Project Management, 29, 1-12.

This article focuses on the critical importance of a team's ability to share and utilize available information while working towards a common goal. The authors recognize for their own purpose that team cognition refers to the team mental models (TMMs) collectively held by a group of individuals that enable them to effectively communicate and accomplish tasks by acting as a coordinated unit (Hsu, Chang, Klein & Jiang, 2011).

This article directly relates to our case as described previously, especially in regards to the team forming and development needs. Hsu, Chang, Klein & Jiang stress the importance for managers to adapt team building strategies during the formation of stage to, "enhance teamwork and improve interaction among team members" (p.2). With use of a survey methodology (questionnaire), these authors hypothesized that team building would have a positive effect of the forming of TMMs. The findings of this study have several implications towards teamwork processes. The team suggests that it is important to mediate mental models, as this will facilitate team processes that affect team outcomes. They explain that management interventions and practices such as, "involving all members in the teamwork mental models" (p.9).

The case team members could have directly benefited from its members coming together at the start of the project in order to establish a team mental model; and thus, establishing the leadership roles for team perception. The results of their study add insight towards the importance of leaders possessing interpersonal and communication skills, so as to effectively interact with team members and users of their services.

Alon, I, Higgins, J. (2005). Global Leadership success through emotional and cultural intelligences. Business Horizon, 48, 501-512

To be an effective manager who is managing an international team, managers need to go through extensive training to understand the home country. leaders needs to develop global competencies, many companies do not have effective training programs to develop international managers, only 8% of fortune 500 firms have an international training program, and companies need to have a better understanding of how to train and develop effective global managers.

Companies that have international/virtual teams noted that they did not have adequate training to be an international manager, some felt that they needed more training once they have been assigned their international assignment (they felt that they didn't have a good understanding of the culture and business norms), some companies noted that their international managers did not perform the tasks at hand due to the lack of training.

Overall, not have



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