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Essay by   •  March 5, 2016  •  Annotated Bibliography  •  263 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,277 Views

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Carolyn McDevitt

The benefit of electronic records. (). Retrieved from http://healthit.gov/providers-professionals/benefits-electronic-health-records-ehrs

Electronic records have been transformed by digital technology in order to transform our lives and the way we communicate with our patients.  As a patient in the medical sector, my dentist used electronic records to keep in touch with me through email about my upcoming appointments.  He make it so that if you can’t make your appointment then you have the option to pick your reschedule date and time.  It help me to be able to my appointment and it gives me a reminder about my upcoming appointment.

Health E Stat. (2009). Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/emr_ehr_09/emr_ehr_09.htm

The progress of health information technology adoption by the health care provides since the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that was signed in 2009.  The electronic health records are to achieve investments in care delivery as an authorization of payment through Medicare and Medicaid providers.  The department of health and human services finalized the criteria for the first two years of the three-stage incentive program in the mid-2010.  

Electronic Medical Records. (2010). Retrieved from http://www.partners.org/Innovation-And-Leadership/Patient-Safety-Quality/Electronic-Medical-Records.aspx

Electronic medical records are a vast improvement over paper records.  It allows more than one person to use a patient’s chart as a way eliminate illegible handwriting and store more information.  I believed that electronic records has its advantages and disadvantages when it comes to the healthcare sector.  Some physicians believed that their patient’s health information is the best way to help boost patient safety.   It manage chronic illnesses and improve practices at the physicians’ office.



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