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Essay by   •  April 17, 2017  •  Term Paper  •  1,351 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,342 Views

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        A conflict I believe many people are faced with day in and day out is, are we bound to the duties of family or must we operate and conform to the duties of the law? A main conflict we see in Antigone is the clash of beliefs between Antigone and Creon. Antigone works at all costs to give her brother the burial she believes he deserves. “But I will bury him, and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down with him in death, and I shall be as dear to him as he to me” (Prologue. 55-58). While Creon works to show that he is ruler and no one shall overstep him. “Whoever is chosen to govern should be obeyed- must be obeyed, in all things, great and small” (Scene 3. 35-36).  

        When the play first opens we are shown Antigoné and Ismené speaking of the loss of their brothers, Polyneicés, and Eteoclés. We see that Antigoné is not happy with the decision of their king Creon. “Creon buried our brother Eteoclés with military honors, gave him a soldier’s funeral, and it was right that he should; but Polyneicés, who fought as bravely and died as miserably, they say Creon has sworn no one shall bury him, no one mourn for him, but his body must lie in the fields, a sweet treasure for carrion birds to find as they search for food” (Prologue. 15-22). Antigoné, disgusted and outraged that Creon could make such a decision decides to take matters into her own hands. Antigoné being the protagonist sets the tragedy in motion. She confides in her sister, hoping she will take par, stating that they must do something. “He is my brother. And he is your brother, too” (Prologue. 33). Antigoné will stop at nothing to give her brother the burial he deserves. Antigoné argues that family is stronger than the law. Why should Polyneicés not receive a burial as honorably as Eteoclés? As they have both fought bravely and died as miserably. Antigoné believes it is her duty, as Polyneicés’ sister, that she must do right by him. “But if I had left my brother lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. Now I do not” (Scene 2. 71-73).

“These are my principles, at any rate, and that is why I have made the following decision concerning the sons of Oedipus: Eteoclés, who died as a man should die, fighting for his country, is to be buried with full military honors, with all the ceremony that is usual when the greatest heroes die; but his brother Polyneicés, who broke his exile to come back with fire and sword against his native city and the shrines of his fathers’ gods, whose one idea was to spill the blood of his blood and sell his own people to slavery- Polyneicés , I say, is to have no burial: no man is to touch him or say the least prayer for him; he shall lie on the plain, unburied, and the birds and the scavenging dogs can do with him whatever they like.” (Scene 1. 27-36)  Creon is very set in his ways. He believes that no one shall be an exception and, although Polyneicés is his blood, he must be punished. Anyone who tries to betray him or challenge his principle shall be sentenced to exile.  As the plays antagonist, Creon opposes Antigoné and stands his ground. “You will give no support to whoever breaks this law” (Scene 1. 47). Not yet knowing his own niece would be one to go against him. Creon learns from Sentry that someone has given Polyneicés an honorable burial. Enraged, Creon goes on a rant stating that this one that has deceived him must be punished. “The man who has done this thing shall pay for it” (Scene 1. 117). Creon sends Sentry off to find the deviant. Unbeknownst to neither Creon nor Sentry the mystery was solved soon after. Sentry returns to give the news of the deviant to Creon, confused as to why Sentry has brought Antigoné before him he asks if this is true. Sentry begins to explain; “After those terrible threats of yours, king, we went back and brushed the dust away from the body. The flesh was soft by now, and stinking,” (Scene 2. 23-25) “ and then we looked, and there was Antigoné!”(Scene 3. 34) Creon dismisses Sentry and confronts Antigone about her actions. Antigone confesses, seeing as she believes she has done no wrong. Creon being a vigorous leader shows her no pity. As she is the deviant and she must be punished. Creon will let no one stand in his way of leading and will let no one betray him. “Whoever is chosen to govern should be obeyed-Must be obeyed, in all things, great and small, just and unjust” (Scene 3. 35-37). Creon is a ruler who believes that the law and justice are above all. Although these people are his blood, and family, he chooses to do what is “just”.



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