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Arbriation Case

Essay by   •  June 1, 2012  •  Essay  •  424 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,495 Views

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Industrial Relation 4330

Bargaining Strategy

a. Bargaining strategy used was a Win Lose tactic. The plan was to keep with the traditional approach to negotiating with primary focus being the best interest of membership. This choice was based on the facts of the case. Going in we knew certain aspects of negotiating would be difficult to approach, as an example, wage increases.

b. We assumed they would follow the same approach given the current situation of their pending contracts and possible re-organization of the company. Management made their position clear in the case, no increase to payroll and contract had to be renewed, given that we expected them to be firm on their position.

c. Our strategy remained on of a win/lose situation with one exception, use of power. We presented ourselves as being very well prepared for any of their strategies for re-organization and used intimidation to strengthen our goals. As an example, we were prepared for any option and when they presented us with the fact that they were choosing option 1 for a re-organization plan( 1/3 staff lay-off), we negotiated a buy-out package for the employees affected by the lay-off.

d. While our strategy was aggressive at times, it was civil and we all established a great working relationship throughout the process.

a. The approach itself was of great value and proved to have a positive outcome for our membership;

b. Relationship was good with all decisions being discussed and negotiated fairly.

e. Yes we do, management at the end of the process were pleased with the outcome as it was agreed upon.

f. I feel we would take the same approach, however, the situation and issues presented at the time would really play a role in deciding what approach would have to be used.

2. Our top 5 priorities were as following in order of importance. The order was based on the easiest to resolve to that requiring en-depth discussion. In addition, we wanted to ensure a plan of action was in place in the event of a lay-off, in that a buy-out package for effected employees.


I. Art 1V, Layoffs- Changed the writing of the article to reflect training will be provided for retained staff on any new initiative involving production.

II. Art V111, Health and Welfare- Proposals were made to change existing medical plan from its current plan to one that is 3 tiered, this providing options for different pay scaled employees.

III. Art X, Vacation, proposed a revised structure to existing vacation plan to bring it in line with industry comparisons

IV. Art 1X Severance, proposed a change in severance package.

V. Buy-out



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