Aspects of Psychology Unit 3 Ip
Essay by allcrazy1 • December 2, 2011 • Research Paper • 2,407 Words (10 Pages) • 2,729 Views
In a meeting that was recently attended to discuss the process of hiring within the workplace, the Human Resource Director (HR director) made the statement "We obviously want intelligent people, but we also want them to have emotional intelligence" (AIU Online, 2011). The following information will include why the HR director may have meant by that statement. An Emotional Intelligence (EI) test has been concluded and information will include a reflection of the results and an analysis of what ways might possible be able to be developed to enhance an EI. There are three sites that are given to be able to take a self-administered EI test and for enhancement approaches. The site that was chosen and used is http://discoveryhealth.queendom.
com/eig_abridged_access.html. After the test has been taken, the following information will be provided: test results and a description of the experience; emotional intelligence explanation with examples which will also contain EI ideas and theories; the importance of EI; and ways that EI can be enhanced.
Motivation, Emotion and Learning
A meeting was recently attended to discuss the process of hiring within the workplace and the Human Resource Director (HR director) made the statement "We obviously want intelligent people, but we also want them to have emotional intelligence" (AIU Online, 2011). In trying to figure out what the HR director may have meant by that statement, there is some information that needs to be provided . The first information that will be provided is what emotional intelligence (EI) is and why it is important. Next, it examples will be provided with ideas and theories around EI. Also, what understanding concepts can be useful to people. After the test has been taken, the following information will be provided: test results; a description of the experience; whether it is useful, insights given on behavior and actions; whether one agrees or disagrees with the results; and the benefit someone else could get from taking and using the results of an EI test (AIU Online, 2011)
Test Results and Reflection
There were two tests that were taken. One was just a simple test that took just a few minutes and the second test took about ten minutes. Even though one test was a bit shorter than the second one, the results were about identical. These tests stated that the Emotional IQ (EIQ) was good and, as a matter of fact, over the average. It stated that feelings can be expressed clearly in the appropriate situations. The score showed that the individual was positive and optimistic, and when circumstances alter so can the individual. The individual is: comfortable with themselves; know and appreciate given talents; knows and appreciates strong and weak points in one's self; able to motivate themselves; and locates strength and energy when needed to be able to complete tasks at hand. As one of the resilient individuals who is able to "bounce back" after large drawbacks, survives hardships without animosity and can still empathize with other individuals. This helps in reading other, understanding other's feelings and one self. So although there is room for improvement, these types of skills will lead to relationships that are stronger, healthy and being personally happy in the long-term.
The expected results equaled the actual results. Knowing one's faults along with one's positives is important in knowing how one can improve. With the questions that were asked, the results were definitely expected. The purpose of these types of tests are to find out how people make their decisions, whether with their brain or emotionally and since emotional intelligence takes a bit of both, it can tell how much of what is brought into the individual's decision making.
EI Explained
To define emotional intelligence, it is scientifically useful and clear, and can be recognized due to the fact that it takes the words emotion and intelligence purposefully (What Is Emotional Intelligence, n.d.). Emotional intelligence symbolizes how reasons are validated by way of emotions and how emotions help to improve thoughts (What Is Emotional Intelligence, n.d.). Emotional intelligence has four terms to describe its qualities, also known as the "four branch model" (What Is Emotional Intelligence, n.d.). These four are: (a) one is able to perceive others emotions; (b) one's ability to "facilitate thought" ; (c) one's ability to "understand emotions"; and (d) one can "manage emotions" (Davis & Palladino, 2010, as cited by Grewal & Salovey, 2005). Basically emotional intelligence is a portion of social intelligence that allows one to be able to monitor how others and their own emotions and feelings, to segregate between them and to be able to use the information to assist in the way that one thinks and acts ( (Mayer & Salovey, 1989-90). It does not seem to relate to the portion of general intelligence (Davis & Palladino, 2010, as cited by Derksen, Kramer, & Katzko, 2002).
To be able to perceive others emotions is one way for someone to understand emotions accurately. This would entail being able to understand someone else's emotions with nonverbal communication. These are normally facial expressions such as anger, sadness, fear and happiness that have been recognized in human beings. The ability to be able to recognize facial emotions and tones in the voice is a base that is important for understanding emotions in others (The Four Branch Model of Emotional Intelligence, n.d.). An example of this is a look of anger which may be displayed on the face by scrunched eyebrows and glaring. Another example of this is when someone is happy, individuals smile and laugh in most instances. Once expressions are learned, this gives one the ability to perceive others.
To be able to facilitate thought is as simple as perceiving others emotions. This is the ability to be able to promote thinking from emotions guiding and entering the cognitive thinking. Basically, thinking is prioritized by emotions. This means that something that gets someone's attention is something that is emotionally respond to. A good emotional input system should assist in the way that one thinks towards very important matters. Another example is when individuals have mood swings and positive moods, normally results in creative thought process (The Four Branch Model of Emotional Intelligence, n.d.).
Being able to understand emotions is the understanding of emotional messages and the ability to reason through the emotions. Since emotions transmit information such