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Assessment of Virulence and Host-Pathogen Interaction Using Molecular Methods

Essay by   •  August 10, 2011  •  Essay  •  250 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,736 Views

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Based from our journals and research, assessment of virulence and host-pathogen interactions are now being done through the use of molecular methods such as genomic sequencing. This processes are so helpful in assessment of the present bacteria but It is still unclear though whether one could use these methods as the basis of diagnosing a person in the future. It is also becoming more difficult to detect deadly bacteria in our system as they are mimicking the structure of proteins within our bodies.

Recently, there is a group of scientists though that published a journal about the strategies which they have come up with to disrupt the ability of bacteria to communicate and coordinate the expression of virulence factors. According to their journal, bacteria use a process called quorum sensing to synchronize group behaviors that promote pathogenesis. Bacteria communicate with one another via chemical signals called autoinducers. New drugs could be developed to combat bacteria by making them quorum sensing antagonists. Another way of assessing virulence and host pathogen interaction is by comparing the genome array of known microorganism to the unknown. The similarities and also the differences tell the effect of certain microorganism on its host.

We are lucky today because we have these methods to identify and classify microorganism and in return we may know how to prevent and cure if we were attacked by this pathogens but still we do not know if these microorganisms may mutate can we cannot longer use the methods we have today.



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