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Augmented Reality: Reality Gets Better

Essay by   •  January 14, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  863 Words (4 Pages)  •  4,792 Views

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Cathy Buckland

November 27, 2011

Augmented Reality: Reality Gets Better

What is the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality? Augmented reality allows for the use of real life images with graphics or other effects and can use any of three major display techniques such as head-mounted display, spatial displays which are able to display graphical information on physical objects and handheld displays. Virtual reality is generated through a computer interactive which is three dimensional in which people become immersed. (Laudon, 2011)

Why is augmented reality so appealing to marketers? Because it will generate more sales and offer customers more insight into the market such as with real estate, in having away to visually see the measurements and other qualities of the home will make the consumer more interested and give the real estate company more sales.

What makes augmented reality useful for real estate shopping applications? It can help both the realtor and the consumer in ways that will implement more sales. As a consumer becomes more dependant on their cell phones allowing an application such as this would allow for a person that is continuously on the go to view certain aspects of real estate to help make their decision on whether or not you would like to call and receive more information on the place. It gives both the consumer and the real estate company an advantage on sales without wasting others time. (Laudon, Augmented Reality: Reality Gets Better, 2011)

Suggest some other knowledge work applications for augmented reality. Individual company's could use this in posting job openings, another might be that companies can use augmented reality is through tracking clients and business associates.

The Flash Crash: Machines Gone Wild?

Describe the conditions that preceded the flash crash. The crash was recovered quickly for that day (Laudon, The Flash Crash: Machines Gone Wild?, 2011)

What are some of the benefits of electronic trading? What would normally take a person up to five hours to complete the use of electronic trading can apply it instantly. It can be done more efficiently.

What features of electronic trading and automated trading programs contributed to the crash? The abrupt selling activities of a single mutual fund created a chain reaction which then a unleashed a chain reaction unleashed by the electronic trading systems which execute the majority of trades on the Dow and the worlds major stock exchange (Laudon, The Flash Crash: Machines Gone Wild?, 2011).

Could the crash have been prevented? Why or Why not? As the generation that continues to relay on computer programs to get us through the day I do not believe that the crash could have been prevented, because no



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