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Essay by   •  September 6, 2011  •  Essay  •  318 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,492 Views

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My Autobiography

One Beautiful day in Pittsburgh, specifically April 14th 1993, from the parents of Lola and Gary Miller, I (Jason Miller) was brought into the Great world now called home. I could only imagine the look on my parents face when they saw the 9 pound 8 ounce baby "me" come out, They must of said to there self, Its going to be a long journey.

The early years of my life consisted of playing baseball with the all-star team, spending the day with my amazing sister Shelby, assisting my mother with preparing dinner, and attending the local boy scouts with my father. Either witch way I was spending my childhood days, I was making the most of it. Every summer came the happiest time of the year, the time when my father would say, Jason! Pack your bags, were going camping. I would have my bags packed within 3 minutes of him informing me, and usually forgetting 88% of the necessary items. We would venture of to the northwest part of the state, Witch lies a small place called the Poconos. Where I would spend the week camping, fishing, boating, shooting BB guns, and spending valuable time with my dad and friends, I had the time of my life there.

At the age of 12, my father asked the question. Jason. You should start playing hockey. I was hesitate and worried about trying it, most kids my age have been on skates for many years. But I rose to the challenge, went to the local hockey shop and bought equipment. The first time ive ever skated; I was lucky enough to



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