Biology 11 Notes
Essay by people • June 19, 2012 • Course Note • 1,465 Words (6 Pages) • 1,723 Views
Major Characteristics of Kingdoms
- Organized based on: cell shape, cell wall and mobility
- Cell Shape: Cocci - berries, bacilli- rod, spirochetes - hair
- Movement - flagella (whip tail) or slimy mucous
- Nutrition: heterotroph, photoautotroph, photoheterotroph, chemoheterotroph
- Reproduce:
Binary fission - replicate themselves
Transformation - take dna from environment
Conjugation - two bacterial cells join and share dna
Transduction -viruses infect + inject dna
Endospore - dormant stage
- Hyphae - threads of cytoplasm (veins throughout the plant)
- Mycelium - underground network
- Fruiting body is above
- Eukaryotic
- Multicellular
- Cell walls: chitin
- Nutrition: heteroptroph
o Secretes chemicals, then decomposes organic matter
- Reproduction: sexual ( + and - spores) zygospore sporangium (large combined seed) smaller spores (seeds), asexual spores
o Fungi classified by reproduction
- "etc. kingdom"
- Unicellular/ colonial
- Expected to be sorted, eventually
Evolution of protists -> eukaryotes
1. Infolding of membranes - Plasma membrane infolded, forming ER, golgi apparatus and nuclear envelope --- all made of phospholipid bilayer
2. Serial Endosymbiosis - Prokaryotes, like mitochondria and chloroplasts, became consumed, but remained in cell because of symbiotic relationship. Became integrated
- Movement: Pseudopodia - ameba/ extending membrane, Flagellum - long tails, cilia - small hairs, Wind/H2O/Animals
- Reproduction: Asexual Mitosis, Paramecium - conjugation, Plasmodium - mosquito bites human, liver infected and cells burst, protist enters bloodstream, mosquito bites again, plasmodium enters mosquito and sexually reproduces in mos.
Animal Like Plant Like Fungi Like
- Heterotroph: Ingests smaller pray
- Amoeba - Autotrophs: Photosynthesis
- Cellulose
- Dinofalgellate
- Algae - Hetetrophs: Decaying matter
- Plasmodium - single mass of cytoplasm, containing multiple nuclei (supercell)
- Plasmodium slime
- Eukaryotic
- Cellulose
- Autotroph
Evolution of Plants
Green algae embryo formation mosses and relatives true water conducting tissue ferns development seeds cone bearing plants flowers + fruit flowering plants
Reproduction - Alteration of Generations
Gametophyte (n = 1 sets of chromosomes) -> sperm + egg sporophyte (2n = 2 sets of chromosomes) spores ...
- Eukaryotic
- No cell walls
- Multicellular
- Heterotrophs
- Motile (able to move)
- Blastua at embryological development (hollow ball of cells)
- Each species has unique body plan
- Cells, tissue, organs, systems, organism
- Asymmetrical - no symmetry, radial symmetry - like a pie, bilateral - split in half
- Cephalization - distinct head with sense organs detect prey and direction of movement
- Blasopore - first blastula opening
- Protosome - blastopore is mouth
- Deuterosome - anus
- Segments - numerous repeating parts
- Limbs - external appendages
- Vertebrates - backbone
- Invertebrates - no backbone
Phylogenic Tree of Animals
Porifera: Sponges - amoeboctyles produce protein called spongin for structural support. Sessil.
Cnidaria: Jellyfish - disgestive sac gives body shape
Platyhelminths: Flatworms - true muscle tissue
Nematoda: roundworms - exoskeleton called cuticle. Thrashing movements.
Annelida: Segmented worms - fluid filled compartments. Circular and longitudinal muscles
Mollusca: Snail - shell, muscular foot
Anthropda: Spiders - exoskeleton, muscles attacked to knobs of interior exoskeleton
Echinodermata: Sea stars - exoskeleton of plates, water vascular system
Keystone species - disproportional effect on environment
Genetic - all genes in a species
Species - variety of species in an aera
Ecosystem - range of habitats + organisms also "walking ecosystem"
Taxonomy - science of naming, classifying and identifying psecies
Binomial Nomenclature - Genus