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Body Plan Lecture Notes

Essay by   •  September 18, 2016  •  Course Note  •  524 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,611 Views

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  1. How our evolutionary past has determined our form

Kingdom: Animal  A living organism capable of independent movement

Cell membrane, organelles, energy from organic/O2

Subphylum: Vertebrate  Four limbs with five digits for terrestrial transition (Pentadactyl limbs)  Protection, support, locomotion

Warm Blooded: Due to presence of metabolic rate

Four Chambered Heart: Allows pulmonary and systemic vascular systems to be arranged in parallel.

Binocular Vision: Determine distance (jumping), predators  Stereoscopic

  • Info is taken from both eyes to the visual cortex for brain interpretation.


  • Somatic: Skeletal, articular, muscular, integumental
  • Visceral: Respiratory, digestive, urogenital, endocrine
  • Supply: Nervous, arterial, venous, lymphatic

Reproductive Success & Skin: Highly melanised skin protected against UV-induced photolysis of FOLATE which is essential for normal development of the embryonic neural tube.

Speech: Lengthened Pharynx

  • Can breathe and swallow simultaneously as air and food pathways don’t cross.
  • Development: pharynx lengths as larynx descends into the neck.
  • Swallow & Cough reflexes, gag & vomit reflexes to protect the airway.

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  1. Segmentation and its significance

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  • Segmented body wall = greater movement
  • Development from Germ Layers
  • Segmentation is important for diagnosing disease. There is a clear pattern in trunk.
  • HEAD: Brachial arches, Brainstem, cranial nerves
  • Spinal Nerve: 12 cranial nerve in Cranial to Caudal sequence.
  • Paraxial Mesoderm: Somites arrange in pairs along the trunk
  • Sclerotome (vertebral skeleton) & derma-myotome (skin/skeletal muscle)

  1. Polarity and its significance

“Head & Tail”  Gill Slits are transient at the Head.

[pic 3]

Cranial: HEAD, Caudal: TAIL

Head end = buccopharyngeal membrane (Endoderm)

Tail =Cloacal membrane (Ectoderm)

Dermatome & Myotome arrangement

  1. Unique features of the human body

Basic Tissues: Epithelia, Connective, Muscle, Nervous

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Notochord = flexible rod of support (Phylum: Chordate)

Neural tube = dorsal hollow nerve cord

Skin appendages: hair, sweat glands

Mammary Glands: Breast Feeding

Opposable Thumbs, Binocular Vision, Large Brain, Hand/eye coordination.

Upright Stance, Skull, S-shaped spine, Arched foot

Body Cavities:

  • Ventral Cavity: Thoracic cavity above & Abomino-pelvic cavity below the diaphragm.
  • Dorsal Cavity: Cranial and vertebral cavities.

Bilateral symmetry: facilitates movement via skeleton and associated muscles

Asymmetrical regions & structures

  • Exception to bilateral symmetry = serous sacs within thoracic/abdomini-pelvic cavities, with the unpaired organs (heart, digestive, spleen) and unpaired vessels.
  • Left and Right lungs are slightly different sizes and shaped differently.

Flexor/Extensor Regions

  • Flexor muscles (richer nerve supply) are ventral
  • Extensor muscles (covered by hairier skin/tough dermis) are dorsal.

MESODERM: connective tissues & vessels.



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