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Bring It on the Musical

Essay by   •  January 24, 2012  •  Essay  •  719 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,767 Views

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Luke Atha

Theater 3

Period 3

Performance 1-14-12

Submission 1-17-12

Bring it on the musical

The performer I liked best was the girl who played the character of Bridget she played the dorky girl who wanted to become a cheerleader. I thought the way she delivered her lines made perfect sense for her character. The way she tied to act like she was a gangster was really funny and she overall just did a really good job at playing the dorky girl. Another character I really liked was the girl who played Campbell I thought she did a good job at playing the nice innocent cheerleader girl which I think would be hard because most actors have to play the stereotypical cheerleader which is like a stuck up mean girl and I thought she did good taking on the nice cheerleader role. I thought Bridget's voice was really good for the character because it sounded like this sweet dorky girl and I thought it was really the foundation of who her character was. As for her movement I did not think it was that accurate of who she was cause she was supposed to be this chubby not at all athletic girl and they had her doing flips and being able to dance really well which did not make a whole lot of sense for her character. I thought Campbell's voice was really good she sounded exactly like that nice innocent cheerleader girl which helped show who her character was as a person. Her movement was really good she was this little skinny athletic girl who had been cheerleading almost her entire life and her movement really brought that out based on all the acrobatic moves she was capable of doing. Her movement just made it obvious that she had been doing cheerleading for a long time and how good she had gotten. I do believe you can dislike a character and still admire their performance. I think that because even though their character may not be a nice person you can still admire how well the actor or actress did playing that not very nice person. For example The mean character in This musical her character's name was Eva. She was a really mean person who only cared about herself and I did not like her at all. The girl who played this role did a really good job at portraying those qualities her character has. I admire how good she did that role even though her character was a terrible person. At most points in the show it flowed naturally like a conversation. At other points you could tell it was acting just based on they were saying. Which in my opnion is not always a bad thing sometimes those unrealistic things can add humor to the production.

I do think the director helped the actors perform convincingly based on some of the movement in the show how they would move towards and away from each other based on the situation.

The performers



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