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Business Process Essay

Essay by   •  July 20, 2012  •  Essay  •  848 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,965 Views

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Business Processes

In a casino, there are many resources that the business must rely on. Not only to protect their assets, but to protect their players as well as their employees. At Cache Creek Casino, it is neither a business nor an organization that is very easy to be managed. Running this business requires many crucial responsibilities that are a must in order to be a success. In this essay I will be explaining the various business processes of this establishment.

In a casino, there are many different types of gambling activities taking place. These can vary depending on each casino and include but are not limited to various types of casino games such as slot machines or table games. Even though these activities are taking place, the casino involves many different categories of management; such as operating a restaurant, the auditing of the casino, customer and employee relations, and many other forms of management that keeps this huge business running smoothly.

Due to the very high number of monetary transactions occurring in the casino that includes the payouts as well as the general management of running the operations of the casino, it is very crucial that proper management is always observing the flow of these transactions; therefore, the process of casino auditing is given the foremost importance. According to "Oldestcasinos.com (2010)" "A grave mistake on the payouts and revenue reports made by a casino establishment can pose a grace threat to the credibility and reputation of a particular casino establishment." (Para. 2)

In Cache Creek Casino, we have what is called an Internal Casino Auditing Team. According to "www.oldestcasinos.com (2010)" "Their responsibility in casino auditing procedure also includes strict monitoring to ensure that both their employees and players do not cheat." (para. 4). All the chips from the table games that are appropriately accounted for are also included. Just like what was prior mentioned, all casino organizations, not only Cache Creek, are very cautious in controlling and monitoring their payouts because any mistake no matter how slight it could be, could put its reputation at risk and could result in damaging its credibility to an extent that it cannot be repaired. Procedures in casino auditing can also consist of very strict observations to make sure that both their employees and or players do not cheat.

Did you ever wonder what the shiny black half ball is all over the ceilings in a casino? These are where the surveillance cameras are located. Surveillance in the casino plays a very important role. Surveillance cameras are known to some people as "the eye in the sky." ("en.wikipedia.org", 2011) This is so because at any time, these cameras can be monitored for any amount of time at any certain time. These cameras are so sensitive that when zooming in, the person monitoring



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