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Canada Wages

Essay by   •  November 27, 2011  •  Essay  •  515 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,541 Views

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Wage and hours are usually the same in Canada and the United States of America. They do differ slightly but it is usually the same for both countries. Employees should use caution and have knowledge about the Canadian legislation which includes wages and hours. They should also look into the Canadian legislation In order to wage and pay employees their will have to be collaboration within the government officials, business leaders and unions since they are involved in collaborating and negotiating for fair and equitable employment standards. In Canada each provinces and territories has its own legislation and are required to adhere to federal laws which means they dictate when and how your wages are to be paid. In Canada, employment laws cover everything from minimum wage, rates, overtime, breaks, and wages. Also wages do not depend on workers and firms characteristics independently, but on the value that a particular skill takes on when assigned to a particular job or firm. The size-wage structure displays similar features in both countries in terms of the pay hour laws. According to the legislation, the hours of work in a week for an employee shall be scheduled and actually worked that each employee has at least one full day of rest in the week, and, wherever practicable, Sunday shall be the normal day of rest in the week. Employees should also be paid for the overtime at a rate of wages not less than one and one-half times his regular rate of wages. According to the division 1 for holiday pay, it is stated that the hours of the employee for that holiday week should be reduced by the standard hours of work for each general holiday in that week. It also says that no account shall be taken of any time worked by the employee on the holidays or of any time during which the employee on the holidays. Canada's hours of work are pretty much the same as the U.S.A. The standard hours or work of an employee for both countries shall not exceed eight hours in a day and forty hours in a week and if more than that they have to be paid overtime. Also the estimated size-wage premium is about 15% in the United States and 10% in Canada. The wage differential is mainly due to various factors related to workers and firm characteristics such as education, unionization and industry type.

The impact the employee has may differ. Canadian males face a penalty for working in female jobs that is comparable to that faced by their counterparts in the United States. For a female is much different, it is generally small and not statistically significant, while the penalty for American females are relatively large. Depending on the position an American employee has can have an impact when transferred to Canada. Doe both countries are the same when it comes to hours and wages, employers and employees must have knowledge into the Canadian wage laws and hours since they do have a slight difference when compared to the United States wage laws.



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