Car Accidents Awareness
Essay by people • June 20, 2012 • Case Study • 1,384 Words (6 Pages) • 1,689 Views
Car accident prevention awareness video
The name of the injury prevention service announcement is best car accident awareness video ever. I think they hit the nail right on the head. This video is as real as it comes. The video starts out with a young couple kissing and the next thing you know a car is flying through the air at them, the young man dead instantly and the young woman paralyzed for life. The message given is the faster the speed the bigger the mess.
In the next scene you see people such as you and I doing things that everyone does on a daily bases; they next thing you know they come around a corner and are hit by another oncoming car. The video at this point slows right down to show the way that people are thrown around like rag dolls in the vehicle. This scene is meant to force the awareness of what can happen if you do not wear your seat belt.
In the next scene a young boy is playing soccer in his back yard when a man who had been drinking crashes through the fence and crushes him. This forces home the reality of the consequences of drinking and driving.
The last scene if the video shows a young boy texting as the crosses the road. He is then struck by a bus. This scene is to portray the reality of not paying attention.
The music played throughout the video is Nothing Else Matters by Metallica; it is a perfect fit for the video because past experiences and what you have learned are what you thought you knew, but then when you gain a certain experience good or bad nothing else matters but that new experience. A good example of this is speeding. If you are speeding to work because you are late and you end up in an accident it doesn't matter anymore that you are late all that matters is the accident.
According to current literature personality is a huge predictor of driving accidents for men. A study done in 2011 (Elena Constsntinou found through a data base questionnaire that personality was a significant predictor for men but was not for women. They also found that females were more sensitive to punishment but there was no difference between the two groups for sensitivity to a reward system. This may explain why lowering insurance rates have little effect on driving behaviour and also why getting a speeding ticket for a male is more of something to brag about rather than a deterrant. This study also found a correlation between driving accidents and specific characteristics such as dis-inhibition, thrill, sensation seeker, and motor impulsivity. This study stresses the importance of personal differences in accident risk and it also suggests that intervention and prevention would be better if directed at high risk personalities. This study shows why the accident video may prove to be more of a wakeup call to the risky drivers out there than either reward or punishment systems currently employed. Since reward or punishment are not working how about a visual image of just what can happen behind the wheel.
Another big factor in car accidents or any accidents at all is the ability to perceive the accident before hand and avoid it if possible. A study by Avoinoam Borowsky, David Shinar, and Tal Oron-Gilda (2010) found a strong relationship between age, skill, and hazard perception in driving. In their study they had different groups view hazard detection videos while connected to eye tracking devices. This study found that older experienced drivers are more apt to picking out hazard conditions while younger novice drivers were not. The inexperienced drivers were unable to pick out perceived hazard, but were able to spot real ones, a response to slow most of the time to avoid an accident. The theory behind this is that the younger drivers have not experienced as many hazardous situations so are not as readily able to spot them before hand. I feel that the accidents awareness video would be a great tool to show in drivers education