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Cereals Based on Maca to Combat the Anemia in Peru

Essay by   •  June 6, 2019  •  Essay  •  4,401 Words (18 Pages)  •  812 Views

Essay Preview: Cereals Based on Maca to Combat the Anemia in Peru

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1. Executive summary

The present document defines the proposal of the Plan of International Marketing for the Commercialisation of MACA ARITOS Cereales to base of Maca as I complement for the reduction of anaemia and malnutrition that suffer the boys of the Peru, this had to that keeps  a high degree of index of boys with these problems, especially in the region of Puno.

The alimentary tendencies find  changing of way very progressive in the actuality, can observe  like the healthy products are invading the market this due to the fact that the population comes following a diet of healthy feeding where the worry by what ingieren and consumin low foods in fats and sweet have gone back  important appearances in the election of what goes  to consume. In the Peru in spite of the bad alimentary habits, 88% of the population is interested in eating and know the healthy foods, according to surveys realised by the Ministry of Health.

The Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a plant herbácea with surprising properties eat; the big content of iron, antioxidant, proteins, vitamins B and C. And profits as, increase the strength, the energies, the resistance, improves the memory, the physical and mental performance and the feeling of general welfare. Likewise this materia prime comes from of our own country, specifically in Andes to an altitude of more than 3,500 metres and consults  from does more than 2000 years.

The sector of the market to the cual have focused us are mothers of 18 to 49 years of age of the socioeconomic levels B and C, this focused us in developing a strategy of segmentation of market, allowing situate a niche inside the complementos nutritional

In such sense, detecting this problem, taking advantage of the properties and profits and more still the have the product like prime matter, does that MACA ARITOS focus  in offering a new alimentary alternative based in the needs and preferences of the market

2. Mission and Vision

- MISSION (Definition oriented to the market)
Help to the people to combat the malnutrition and anaemia, go out victorious and keep a good degree of welfare and performance in the health.

- VISION (Definition oriented to the market)
Be the company leader to national level in nutritious cereals, especially against the anaemia where are referents in the welfare of our clients.

Our values on which support our activity day in day out, constitute the growth of the organisation and generate profits for the consumers: COMMITMENT, INNOVATION, HONESTIDAD, CONFIDENCE, MOTIVATION And PERSEVERANCIA.

3. Information of the market allocate

3.1. Geographic  appearances

  • The regions that head the malnutrition, anaemic are the following in downward order by  the degree of affectation; Puno, Loreto, Ucayali and Pasco.
  • In the following image will show the total map of the Peru specifying the degree of anaemia in each region, comparing the behaviour of studies of the year 2012 in front of the year 2017. In the Peru, for the year 2017, estimates  exist 1 350 000 girls and boys between 6 and 36 months of age. Of them, the 43.6 % (580 000) have some degree of anaemia. On the other hand, they exist 600 000 gestantes, of which the 28 % present anaemia (168 000). Nevertheless, the economic growth and the reduction of the poverty these prevalencias find  between the most elevated of the Region of the Américas

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  • Notable climatological effects, first explain the concerning the current 'The Boy'. This is a current of warm waters, directed to the South, that presents  annually in the sea, in front of the north arid coasts Peruvian and that to finals of year ocasionan a summer with rains, which affects negatively the following points;

-Excessive rains in the coast north, causing many times inundaciones and desbordes of rivers.
-Deficiency of rains in saws it south of the Peru, (especially in the Antiplano).
-Migration and profundización of fishes of cold water, (sardina, anchoveta, hake, etc.).
-Increase of pests and infermedades in some crops.
-Presence of epidemics.
-Alteration of the marine and coastal ecosystems

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  • By the side of the main resources of the Peru hhorn mediated of year of the 2018, the Peru showed better conditions in the environmental factors, in comparison to what lived  the year 2017, andsto due to the fact that the resources hídricos did not see  engaged seriously by the phenomena of the Boy and the Girl, like the water and other agricultural.
    Because of the paralización and problems occurred in the minería the bambas, it resources extracted of mineral copper  reportaron in lower quantities, that dependsn mainly of the minería and agriculture, contracted  5.2% in the last quarter (October – December) of the 2018 and reportó the worse second result to level of PBI of the country, only after Mother of God. The yacimiento of The Bambas no only represents 20% of the production of the copper of the country, but also 2% of the world-wide production of the red metal, according to data of the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

3.2. Demographic appearances

  • Inside the market to the cual direct us study the predominant tongues that have said regions and find the following, which will not hinder the niches that will develop in these

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  • Thec omposición ethnic; it is affected recently by the big Venezuelan migration more than 750 000 for beginnings of the year 2019, caused by the bad government of his President Nicolás Mature, which generated a combination of diverse ethnic characteristics, as also it saw  affected arduously the tax of unemployment of Peruvians which will speak more advance.
  • Tounque the Peru keeps on being a mostly Catholic country, the percentage of citizens that no profesa any religion has grown of notorious form in the last decade. According to the census executed the year gone through the National Institute of Statistics and Computer (INEI), 1'180.361 of Peruvians of 12 to more years affirmed not following any creed. This figure is upper in 94% to the reportada in the 2007, that went of 608.434 people.

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  • Of agreement to the last projections of the National Institute of Statistics and Computer, the Peruvian women constitute the half of the total population of the country. In the year 2016, had 15 million 716 one thousand 200 women and 15 million 772 one thousand 400 men. The demographic structure focused in Age and Generate of our market put finds  of the following way eat;

 Buyer: Mothers of family
∙ Gender: Feminine.
∙ Age: Between 18 and 49 years.
∙ Socioeconomic level: B and C

User: School Boys and Pre-School
∙ Gender: Feminine and masculine
∙ Age: Between 2 and 15 years.

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3.3. Transport

  • The main markets put to the that will focus us have at least a terrestrial terminal, indispensable to be able to realise the necessary transport for the commercialisation of our products like the terminal of Puno (Corner of Jr. Victoria with Av. Costanera Puno – Peru) loans services to an average of 3,000 users to the day and 90,000 to the month, concentrating in more than 30 companies of service of terrestrial transport interdepartamentto the and international of passengers what will allow us analyse the best possible price for the necessary mobilisation of prime matter or machineries and besides explains for this with the contribution of workers that keeps it operative during the 24 hours of the included day Saturdays, Sundays and feriados.
  • Inside the principales means of transport andl Peru has a system of terrestrial transport basically through roads which connect to all the capitals of department and the majority of the capitals of province, allowing that any citizen can  movilizar with his vehicle to the main urban centres of this country, where arrive also a sinnúmero of lines of buses interprovinciales, many of them with units very modern and confortables. The commodities are transported in thousands of trucks that arrive included to zones and populated quite isolated of the territory.

3.4. Government

  • The constant events of presidents that at present are alive and see  involucrados by acts of corruption in his government, affected of diverse direct forms and indirectly the unfortunately constant government of these characters eat; Alberto Fujimori (Convict to 25 years of prison by Usurpación of Functions/ High Neighbourhoods, The Cantuta, murders and kidnappings/ Crime of Peculado/ Crime of Daily/ corruption Chicha), Alejandro Toledo (At present has Order of preventive Prison by 18 months by the case Odebrecht and Ecoteva), Ollanta Humala (Convict beside his wife to 9 months in preventive prison by irregular contributions of Odebrecht to his electoral campaign and therefore favouritisms to this), Keiko Fujimori (The one who lately showed to be boss and no lideresa like her preaches of his party Forces Popular, at present is in the prison by a convict of 36 months of preventive prison by wash of money), Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (Convict to 36 months of preventive prison also by the case Odebrecht)  and finally Alan García also adds  in the long run smart of Presidents involucrados in crimes against the Peru, this shot  when knowing that the authorities went to detain it by crimes of corruption linked to the case once again Odebrecht). In resúmen does not exist political persecution as they want to do it see all these cunning involucrados since the justice is investigating and being just with all the bosses of the different political parties and does not look for one in particular. Also it detected  irregularities and/or negotiations between judges, fiscal and Congressmen, in his work like public civil servants, by means of sobornos and other which generated the application of a Referendum requested by the village employed by means of the current President Martin Vizcarra. Beyond all doubt it is necessary an urgent political reform in front of the inability of gobernabilidad that show the public civil servants congressmen.


3.5. Economy

  • The PBI per capita is an indicator that realises  to determine the entry that receives in average, each orno of the inhabitants of a country, in our case Peru, in spite of the desaceleración world-wide, has showed a positive tendency. SAnd reviews upward of 4,0 to 4,2 percent for 2019, consistent with the dynamism of the internal demand, mainly the consumption and investment deprived, thanks to the recovery of the confidence and to the fiscal stimulus associated to the plan of reconstruction and to the investment for the Games Panamericanos






















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  • The index of inflation for Peru is of 2%, one of the more basses to level of Latin America, in spite of having an increasing tendency in the projection, the level that mantiene is low. Besides, it fits resaltar, that, in spite of having gone through a crisis political because of the renunciation of the president of the country, the economy has not seen affected like sucede in other countries

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  • The national and international stage current allows to suppose that the elements that more influence in the economic development, is the level of education of his labour strength, so much feminine like masculine. Besides, invest in education today is more important that never, since it will allow to answer to the demographic and technological changes that are teniendor effect in the labour market. Of agreement to the area of residence, the women and men of the rural area present high participation in the economic activity, like this of each 100 women in age to work 70 constitute the labour strength. In the case of the men the tax of participation is upper to the one of the women, of each 100 in age to work 87 integrate the labour strength. Although it observes  high participation of the rural women in the economic activity, do it in activities agropecuarias of subsistencia, autoconsumo, without rights neither labour profits.

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  • Tax  of unemployment, sand observes a clear reverse relation between unemployment and age, situation that has not varied, as it warns  that to measure that increases the age diminishes the unemployment. The taxes of unemployment of the feminine population are higher and affect in main measure to the young, that in the actuality have more years of study that his pairs men. The differences of gender have tended to remain constants in the time, especially in the stretch of age comprised between the 25 and 59 years of age, while in the group of 14 to 24 years of age tends to tighten

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However because of the Venezuelan migration this takes effect and impacto in the employment dand agreement with Safe, the near of 750,000 Venezuelans that ingresaron to the country, in the last two years and half, can be generating problems in the employment, by hand-held trip of Peruvian work or by increase of informalidad. It is thus that considered that the number of Venezuelans in the Peru already is a significant number, as every year they go in to the labour market near of 300,000 Peruvians and to this has to add that have ingresado more than the double of people in a short period of time.



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