Challenges of Groups and Teams
Essay by people • June 19, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,052 Words (5 Pages) • 1,785 Views
Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams
Shauna Morris
January 17, 2011
Irene Lien
Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams
In team and group setting, there can be many challenges that the members can be faced with if they are not properly trained. Using a training program which is a great tool for an organization to have because it will provide a way for the members of the team to reach their individual and company goals much more efficiently. More organizations are moving more towards using groups or teams as a way to take care of large projects and also to help with promoting more diversity in the workplace. According to Robbins a group is defined as two or more individuals interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives (Robbins, 2007). Groups and teams are becoming increasely more popular, because they are finding that the quality of work improves with groups and teams working together on a projcets.
After the completion of the research on the failure of the Tyco Corporation, and the reasons or how the failure of the group or teams task and goals contributed to it. Examining the way these short falls could have been corrected if not avoided without losing the confidence and support of the employees. Tyco could have possibly decreased the severity or even avoid the failure that happened at the company. Part of the training program will include, training management the correct ways to communicate effectively between each other and the empolyees of the company. With it being a concern of Tyco that the management team be involved in the training but they could not be away from their posts for a long period of time, so the training will last only for two days. Once the training is completed and all the material has been covered, the management will be tested on the knowledge of what they had just learned, then they will be provided with supplemental material for the areas where more training is needed.
When creating and developing this training plan, there should be steps taken in the order of importance, where the most important being the mindset of the employees. This should be found out by giving a survey or questionaire to the employees which is designed specifully for the purpose of finding out, if they perfer to work in groups or teams, or individually? Or how they intend to reach the goals for the company. Then once the information is collected and there is a firm understanding of how each of the employees perfer to perticipate, then they can take the next step in designing a functional training program.
Communication is a very important aspect of an organizations success. Lacking in proper communication contributed to the failure of Tyco. According to (Communication, 2011) communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information but also create and share meaning. The management team will learn both the benefits and challenges of communication. Yes there can be some challenges while communicating in a team or group settings. For teams and groups to effectively collaborate, they must communicate. Communication and collaboration calls for conflict management and this is why training programs is needed.
There are benefits of having positive communication within the workplace, which has many benefit for the teams or groups. Verbal