Change over Time Christianity
Essay by Celtic12020 • January 24, 2013 • Essay • 756 Words (4 Pages) • 5,266 Views
Change Over Time: Christianity
Christianity has changed over time from the period where Jesus was alive and influencing others, to the formation of the official religion after Jesus's death and then continued to change as the religion began to spread all over the world. Christianity predominately changed in three ways, the location where the religion is practiced, the religion's main beliefs, and the relationship of religion and government. Throughout the three time periods, even into present day, the primary beliefs stay the same, such as the belief in Jesus Christ and God. However, over time with different influences, new beliefs and practices have been added on to the religion.
Jesus Christ, the only son of God, and first "Christian" was born into a Jewish family in the year 4 BC. After Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea, he spent most of his life in his Nazareth. This is where he created the Christian religion by delivering and spreading the word of God. Jesus who was born from the Virgin Mary, told his followers his sole purpose on the Earth was to save mankind from sin. To fulfill his destiny, he taught many people to pray and encouraged the belief in the holy "Father" (God). Jesus' earliest followers soon became known as disciples and their messages were the early Christian beliefs. However, the ruling Roman Empire was very threatened by this new religion and its monotheistic worship. Tiberius Caesar Augustus, the Roman Emperor, was very concerned that because of Jesus and the spread of his new religion, that the new Christians would not be able to worship Augustus if they only worship their one God. The Roman government was also greatly influenced by the Jewish population, who wanted Jesus hung because they did not believe he was the Messiah, and accused him of blasphemy.
In 33 AD, Jesus was crucified and nailed to a cross in Jerusalem by the Roman government. According to Christian belief, three days after Jesus' death he was resurrected. He then remained on Earth for a few more days visiting and preparing his disciples during the Last Supper. After this, Jesus' disciples began to practice Eucharist, also called communion, a celebration to commemorate the Last Supper where Jesus took bread and wine which he asked his disciples to take in his memory. This resurrection has resulted in the celebration of Easter. Jesus' disciples Peter, James, and John led the first Christian community in Jerusalem. Christian followers, who coined the name Apostles, began to spread their beliefs and the word of Jesus' resurrection throughout Judea. A main turning point for the religion is in the year 312 AD when the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity from paganism. . In 313 AD Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, legalizing Christian worship.
After Constantine's Edict of Milan, Christianity had an easier time spreading