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Characterization of Gandhi

Essay by   •  November 4, 2013  •  Essay  •  622 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,689 Views

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Characterization of Gandhi


"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi (October 2, 1869 - January 30, 1948). The quote principally states that a few determined people who have a strong faith in their mission can change the course of history. This quote said by Gandhi narrows down his entire life into just one sentence and he most certainly proved his point. This point of Gandhi shines through all of undermentioned text as it does in everything written upon this conspicuous character.

Gandhi was a loving, peaceful and righteous man. He would not see anyone suffer and did his best to throw over the British Empire in India only by means of peaceful, nonviolent actions. Gandhi had a broad amount of facets; he was known as a religious innovator, a social reformer, a visionary, a revolutionary, an international human being and then, toward the end of his life, a secularist. Gandhi was, however, chiefly recognized and understood as the traditional religious Gandhi and Gandhi as leader of the freedom movement. Once freedom was achieved, his leadership of the freedom movement was a thing of the past and therefore his role as social reformer is likely to have become ever more important, had he not been assassinated.

Gandhi developed his personality throughout his entire life to become more obstinate as well as persistent in order to obtain justice, including equity in India for Indians. He became a man not concerned of what would happen to him facing the superiority, but of what would occur in India if his visions were not executed the way he represented them to be. Gandhi was a character succeeding in many subjects aided by hard work and strong beliefs. Mohandas Gandhi is to be seen as one of the most significant symbols of peace to be seen ever in human history. He was not the originator of the principle of non-violent means; he was the first to apply it in the political stage on a large scale. A well-known quote regarding the matter is: "An eye for an eye will leave the world blind". The quote states that it does no good to retaliate. In simple terms Gandhi says that if someone does something harmful to you, don't seek revenge. Be instead the stronger person and stand up to their wrong act by doing what is right. Gandhi lived by this quote and incited the Indians not to seek revenge, but to do what was right - by renouncing violent acts. Gandhi sought change rather than personal revenge, therefore he was- and still is a symbol of peace.

Gandhi was, not to be argued, one of the more renowned and significant personalities to be recognized in the 20th century. To the Indian people, Gandhi gave a nation. To the world, he gave arguably one of the most revolutionary ideas of a



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