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Chemistry Magic Show

Essay by   •  July 21, 2011  •  Essay  •  2,635 Words (11 Pages)  •  2,123 Views

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Chemistry is in the entire world. The entire world is in chemistry. What is chemistry? Chemistry is the study of composition of Matter and its properties. Can we study about this bench top? This may not be interesting because there may not be much change. Chemistry means changes that will be interesting.

Even Human body is an example of living chemical organisms. It is a composition of water and cells, which contain thousands of chemicals. All our organs are like a chemical factory. They produce innumerable chemicals, without producing any kind of sound or pollution. They do not require any hot furnace; neither any machinery for carrying out these reactions. Interestingly, they never produce any toxic side products from these reactions. Imagine if all reactions taking place in our body are being processed in a factory, the noise produced would travel miles if not more. But our body having such a wonderful perfect laboratory, we ourselves cannot feel or hear what is going on.

From these facts we understood that the cells in our body are microscopic, they function incessantly like a big factory. All the reactions take place in a cell - just at our body temperature, without producing any kind of sound or pollution. For example, to prepare insulin in a laboratory, it takes more than a year whereas our body produces it only in 1 or 2 seconds.

Take any living organisms, they are such amazing chemical laboratory; Look at the trees around you- they use readily available sunlight and carbon-di-oxide and perform miracles! They produce oxygen and carbohydrates essential for human survival.

Our day starts with toothpaste and ends with a mosquito repellent cream, which are chemicals. Through out the day we are continuously in contact with chemicals. The clothes we wear are made of at least 15 to 20 chemicals. Even the shoes we wear require chemicals for manufacturing. 25 to 30 chemicals are present in the newspaper and the books we read. Your favorite channel on color TV, may not be possible without chemicals. Ink in pen, colas you drink, the burgers you eat, all require chemicals therefore chemicals will continue to be a vital part of our world.

Just like the air you breathe. Invisible... and just as indispensable, very most important, we can not simply ignore that! The chemistry magic show was developed at VITM for the benefit of young students. Every one they like magic because it has many unexpected happenings. In the magic show magician hide many things during his performance but we never hide any thing and finally we disclose the fact behind the magic.

Dear students and teachers, we believe that you all will enjoy this show because it stuffed with fun and lot of activities. Let us start out journey to execute some demonstrations to understand the FASCINATING WORLD OF CHEMISTRY.


Pass hydrogen gas from the balloon in to soap solution. See the formation of soap bubbles. Call any one visitor as a volunteer and ask them to coop up some bubbles in their hand and light them. Watch it! Watch it! Carefully!

It burns with a great light and sound.

Bubbles contain combustible gas that is hydrogen gas. It is an inflammable gas. It gives enormous heat and sound when it burns. That is the properties of the hydrogen gas. This reaction is the general type of exothermic reaction. Heat is expelled in this reaction.


Take some pieces of Zinc metal in a balloon. Take 100 ml of diluted Hydrochloric Acid in a water bottle labeled no. 1.

Take some powder of Sodium Bicarbonate in a balloon. Take 100 ml of diluted Hydrochloric Acid in a bottle labeled no. 2.

Take some powder of Potassium Iodide in a balloon. Take 100 ml of 6 vol. Hydrogen Peroxide in a bottle labeled no. 3.

Call three volunteers to the Dias. And ask them to keep one bottle each. Let them carefully and slowly rise the balloon up. Immediately chemical reaction take place in each bottle. As a result, the balloons start inflating.

Balloon in the bottle labeled no. 1 is to be fixed with base and written no. 1 on the balloon. Other balloons are fixed with the latex tubes, in which other ends are tied with ropes and written no.2 & no.3 respectively.

Ask the volunteer who is having the balloon no. 1 to keep it on the tripod stand and light it with scented stick (agar pathi). It burns with a great sound and light.

Ask other volunteers to keep lighted cantles on the table and ask them to pass the gases from their balloon by releasing knot on the latex tubes. One cantle gives bright light and other one turn off the light. Why?

Three gases are prepared here. These gases are confirmed by doing some reactions ie chemical properties. Hydrogen gas burns with a great sound. If it is oxygen, it supports to burn brighter. If it carbon di oxide, it turns the cantle light off.

SPEAK TO SOLUTION (acid base reaction)

Take much diluted potassium hydroxide solution in a conical flask. Add few drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Solution gives pink coloration. Speak to the solution "common color vanishes" and close the mouth of the conical flask and shake well.

Immediately that color will disappear.

When you speak to the solution, carbon-di-oxide is coming from your mouth and mixing with water present in the solution. Then Carbon-di-oxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid. When this acid neutralizes the potassium hydroxide, the pink color turns into colorless. Acid reacts with base to give salt and water. This is the general type of acid-base reaction.


Take cornstarch powder in a glass bowl. Add required water to make corn starch paste. Take a coop of paste by your hand and release it.

When it is hold by your hand, it is felt like a solid. When it is released from your hand, it is felt like a liquid.

Starch is a complex carbohydrate (C6H10O5). These molecules are arranged in a continuous but curled chain somewhat like a coil of rope.




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