Classical Athens and Han China
Essay by youcantseeme1234 • February 25, 2013 • Essay • 774 Words (4 Pages) • 2,586 Views
Both Han China and classical Athens shared many ideas bout governments, women, and children. The ideas weren't exactly the same there were differences, like they didn't have the same form of government and women had different right in both Han China and classical Athens. Even though there are differences between Han china and classical Athens involving women children and government, the similarities out way the differences.
During both classical Athens and Han China women were thought of nothing much than a house wife. During classical Athens women could not leave there homes unless there was a religious festival, birth of a child, or funeral but have to have their heads covered. In Athens, women like slaves and resident aliens, had few rights under the law. "The courage of a man is seen in commanding, of a women is obeying" (Document Q). This was said by the student of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great, Aristotle one of the greatest philosophers. This idea, of women having to be subordinate to men, passed down from teacher to student is what caused it to spread worldwide (Document Q). In Han if women lack certain traits she will have no name to preserve and will not be able to avoid shame. For this not to happen women have to have three traits; humility, industriousness, and continuing the sacrifices. Humility means acting respectful, not talking about the good deed you have done, dealing with insults and mistreatment, and not denying you have done something wrong. Industriousness means doing your work well and without complaining, you go to bed late and wake up early. Also, throughout that time you're working, you also do your work carefully and neatly. Continuing the sacrifices means serving ones husband (master), keeping one's self clean and pure, never joking or laughing and preparing offerings to the ancestors.
When a Greek child is born it survives the first night, then for ten days after birth they inspects the baby. If the father thinks the baby is deformed or weak he can order it to be exposed in some public place to die. If he approves the child stays with his mother for the early years. Her tasks are to provide the child a life without pain or sorrow for the first three years. Then the next three years provide amusement and sports. After nursing the child has a very strict life. If the child listens he is fine but if not the child is threatened and beaten (Document N). A similar process happed in Han china, a child's life was not acknowledged until the third of the child's life (Document O). The parents in Han China decide to either keep or reject the child a lot faster than parents in Athens. The idea of having to decide if you should let your child live or die is the same in both Han china and Athens. This just shows you that this idea was a worldwide concept.
I during Athens golden age, their government was thieving with the first democracy government