Cloud Storage
Essay by shravyasudha neelam • January 31, 2017 • Research Paper • 4,090 Words (17 Pages) • 1,591 Views
Cloud storage is being widely adopted due to the popularity of cloud computing. Data loss can occur in cloud storage providers. Attention is paid on the problem of checking the integrity of the data in cloud storage, which we referred to as secure cloud storage. Network coding is used to improve the network capacity, but it also faces the problem of integrity checking. Secure cloud storage was proposed only recently while secure network coding has been studied for more than ten years. Although the two areas are quite different in their nature and are studied independently, construction of a secure cloud storage protocol given any secure network coding protocol is shown in this, which gives rise to a systematic way to construct secure cloud storage protocols.
This construction is secure under a definition which captures the real world usage of the cloud storage. An intrinsic relationship between secure cloud storage and secure network coding for the first time.
Table of Contents
Contents Page No
Abstract 1
Introduction 4
Objective 6
Problem specification 6
Motivation 6
Solution 7
Existing system 7
Proposed system 8
Literature Survey 9
3. Work done 16
4.Architecture 19
5.Analysis 23
6. Conclusion 26
References 27
List of Tables Page no
Table 1: Literature survey 17
List of figures:
List of figures Page no
Fig:1 Architecture 19
Fig:2 Scs protocol 23
Fig:3 SNC protocol 23
Cloud storage is being widely adopted due to the popularity of cloud computing. Data loss can occur in cloud storage providers, the problem of checking the integrity of the data in cloud storage is referred to as secure cloud storage. Networking coding, which was proposed to improve the network capacity. Checking the integrity of codewords is referred to as the secure network coding problem. The main feature of a secure cloud storage protocol is that the user can check the data integrity without possessing the actual data.
Secure cloud storage:
This problem was first proposed by Juels and Kaliski and Ateniese et al. Two main entities are involved in these protocols: a user and a cloud storage provider. A user outsources the data to the cloud who promises to store the data. The user then confirms the data integrity by interacting with the cloud using a secure cloud storage protocol.
The motivation of data integrity checking lies in several factors.
First, due to the poor management of the cloud, the user’s data could be lost due to system failures. To cover the accident, the cloud may choose to lie to the user.
Second, the cloud has a huge financial incentive to discard the data which is rarely accessed by the user. Ignoring some part of the data helps the cloud to reduce its cost.
Third, a cloud could also be hacked and the data could be modified.
Fourth, a cloud may behave maliciously because of various possible government pressures. Without a secure cloud storage protocol, the occurrence of these incidents may be hidden by the cloud and gone unnoticed.
Secure network coding:
This problem was first proposed by Cai and Yeung and Gkantsidis and Rodriguez. Network coding is a routing paradigm where a router in the network sends out encoded data packets, which are a function of received data packets, instead of the traditional store-and-forward approach. Encoding can increase the network capacity for multicast tasks. Linear coding, in which a router sends out a linear combination of received data packets, is proved to be sufficient to achieve the increased capacity. This is especially useful in cooperative networks. However, this paradigm also incurs severe security concerns. If an encoded packet is modified illegally, this modification can quickly spread to the whole network because a router encodes all received packets, including the polluted ones. This attack is also known as the pollution attack. The pollution of the codewords could result in data loss when data receivers attempt to decode the data. Thus, when security is a critical concern in a network coding enabled network, the data receivers and routers need to check whether a data packet is polluted.
1.1 Objective
The main objective is to have a secure cloud storage system that enables a user to check the integrity of the outsourced data is expected to be Correct (If the cloud indeed stores the whole outsourced data, the cloud can always prove to the user that the data remains intact).Secure (If the user’s data is damaged, the user can detect with high probability in the audit query, even if the cloud tries to cover the event).Efficient (The computation, storage, and communication cost of both the user and the cloud should be as small as possible). And to have a secure network coding which should prevent a malicious router from modifying a packet illegally. SCS SNC in short the objective is to have a secure cloud storage that meets with secure network coding.
1.2 Problem statement
From the literature survey it is identified that the both secure cloud storage and secure network coding were studied individually and followed traditional techniques which has Secure cloud storage problem, Data integrity checking problem, Secure network coding problem It seems like studying them individually by following traditional techniques