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Communicating with Children Assignment

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Communicating with Children Assignment

Kelsey Butlin

PPNP 202 Professional Communication

College of the Rockies

Patti Thygesen

October 7th, 2013

Communicating with Children

Having effective communication skills means more than just knowing how to talk to people” (Howie, 2012). From this quote, I bring forward the importance to establish therapeutic relationships with children to be successful.  “To have an effective therapeutic relationship with a child, you need to understand the feelings and thought processes from the child’s perspective and convey honesty, respect, and acceptance of feelings” (Arnold & Boggs, 2011, p.349). By creating a therapeutic relationship with the children, the child will be able to trust the person they are speaking to. The topic that I selected is hand washing. The reason I chose this topic is because at this time, the children are exposed to other children and it is essential to hand wash in order to prevent germs from spreading. By preventing the spreading of germs, this is a way to effectively prevent the spread of illnesses. The age group I selected is from age five to ten years old. The reason I chose school-aged children because I can use a variety of techniques to ensure proper hand washing techniques are obtained. Keeping in mind, children at this age “…are developing their ability to comprehend. [Children] can understand sequencing of events if clearly explained” (Arnold & Boggs, 2011, p.356). School-aged children are capable of reading simple written materials. The children’s vocabulary is still in the process of developing; therefore, I will use terminology that the children should be familiar with. Another consideration I will consider when teaching this age group is to keep the information short and simple. Since the children have a short attention span, it is important to stay on topic to get through the lesson. I will also encourage the children to participate; therefore, they are involved in the discussion. Children enjoy explanations, which give them rationale for why they are doing it. Throughout this paper, I will elaborate on explaining my teaching plan, methods of instruction and how I am going to evaluate in more detail.

To teach school-aged children, I will use the table provided.

Goal: Children aged five to ten will correctly explain and demonstrate how to properly wash their hands


Content Outline

Method of Instruction


Time Allotted

Method of Evaluation

1. By the end, children will be capable of correctly explaining the importance of washing their hands.

2. By the end, children will be capable of explaining when it is appropriate to use hand washing.

3. By the end, children will be capable of demonstrating proper hand washing techniques.

I plan to talk about the basics of hand washing. More specifically, why it is important to wash your hands and when should you do it. I also will demonstrate how to properly wash your hands for 30 seconds. After the demonstration, I will give time for the children to ask any questions that they may have came across. Then they will get the opportunity to demonstrate washing their hands and explaining the importance for using the proper technique.

My method of instruction consists of having a poster with step-by-step directions of how to wash hands and simple instructions under each picture explain the steps. I will hand it out for the children to look over. Then I will perform a demonstration of what should be expected and to ensure I maintain the appropriate time I will sing the ABC’s. Then I will inform them about the importance of washing hands and when it should be applied. I will give them a period of time to ask questions before they try. Then once they are feeling like they have the idea of hand washing. I will ask each child to demonstrate and then explain the importance and when hand washing should be applied.

I used a variety of resources, such as textbooks, journal articles and my personal knowledge of hand washing techniques.

I will provide ten minutes to complete this task. This gives me time to demonstrate and explain, which will take about three minutes.  I will give a question period for two minutes. The children will perform their hand washing technique, which will take about two minutes.  Then they can explain afterwards, which will take three minutes.

By the end of this teaching session, the children will each be asked to correctly explain and demonstrate proper hand washing techniques.



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