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Community Baptist Church

Essay by   •  April 23, 2013  •  Essay  •  645 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,820 Views

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Install network, computer lab, and redesign website for Mount Carmel Community Baptist Church, Steubenville, Ohio. Mount Carmel Community Baptist Church has requested the installation of a networking system throughout the church that will aide with learning activities for Sunday school, after school programs as well as the church administration. Also requested is the redesign of the current website allowing for a more dynamic, interactive website enhancing usability and easy navigation.

The church was built thirteen years ago and charter members of the church donated to help the church be designed and built.


To update churches to today's technology era.


Quiet as kept many churches are ran as business even though ministry is the key. Many churches have several ministries besides their regular Sunday morning worship service. They have workshops, conventions, concerts, missions, and telethons. So, they have intricate websites that branch out to all these events.

Some of the things the Steubenville ministries want to add is a computer after school program for children who attend their church, or may be interested in attending. Having this type of program available for after school would allow a safe place for children to learn, socialize, and complete homework when needed. This would be a very positive addition within the community for many.

Also, for the Music ministry many churches have installed big screens added in which words to congregational songs and praise worship is typed on the screens. This way the whole congregation can participate throughout that stage of the service. Also, the whole service can be viewed to from the balconies of some of the mega churches with connection to cameras which involves the Video and Audio ministry.


Pastors, Musicians, Secretary(s), and their can many other positions depending on the size of the church and congregation are the stakeholders for this project, others would be included as well. Most churches start with the Pastor as the head then there is the Leadership team, which involves the Pastor and those in charge of the specific ministries in the church. The Pastor for this project wants to be more involved with helping those which don't have access to computers at home, by installing a computer lab he believes that others will learn, be able to complete homework requirements, and develop with all the new technology available today. At the same time they will also be updating the rest of the church with a new network and computers which will allow the administration to complete their daily task quickly and accurately. They have all been interviewed about the requirements for this project and we



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