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Company Sponsorship of an Iae Aix Emba: A Business Argument

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Company Sponsorship of an IAE Aix EMBA: A Business Argument

"An EMBA also allows students to start 'looking around with a new set of eyes. You start seeing things that weren't there before and thinking of new solutions to old problems: from operations to strategic management. In my case there was a star subject: managing people. I've been given more responsibility and more complex situations to manage. I've seen my self-assurance grow, along with skills and abilities. I've grown professionally,"

Gabriel Mesquida Masana

EMBA Graduate

Henley Business School

Before Approaching your Boss, you MUST consider the following questions carefully:

What are your motivations for doing an EMBA?

Do your motivations take into consideration the needs of your company?

Are you truly committed and prepared to undertake an EMBA?

Are you the right candidate for the company to invest in? Why?

What are your short, medium and long-term objectives?

How will your objectives impact/benefit your company?

You must be prepared to discuss the answers to these questions in great detail with your employer prior to asking for support.

Helpful Hints:

* Find the right time and place to introduce and present your case. It may take several attempts.

* Give your self time for the decision to be considered and made. Remember, your boss will see this as a business decision and will need to evaluate your request with respect to his/her parameters.

* Carefully prepare yourself for discussion about EMBA sponsorship. This argument should prove helpful.

* Carefully consider not just "full sponsorship on your terms", but what you would be willing to accept and be prepared to suggest alternative scenarios.

* Do your homework. Research and understand fully the EMBA programme and what is involved. Your boss will feel better about the investment if you understand the EMBA and all that it entails.

* Rely on the IAE Aix to clarify all aspects of the EMBA.

* Convince and motivate yourself. Your passion and determination will significantly affect the outcome of your discussions and the success of your EMBA.

* Try not to let the discussion become focused purely on financing. Sponsorship for an EMBA should be a win-win scenario. If your boss is clearly briefed and thoroughly "sold" on the concept, sponsorship should likely follow.

What can I say to convince my employer to support me through an Executive MBA?

The return on investment of the IAE Aix EMBA is immediately tangible. It offers immediate benefits to you as a sponsoring company:

* The part-time format means I can immediately apply theories, skills, logistical frameworks, projects, understanding of complex business issues, international exposure, new networks and an overall world-class education received on the EMBA directly into my job

* Elective courses can be tailored to the specific knowledge requirements of our business.

* I will be more motivated, knowledgeable and dedicated to long-term growth within my company.

* In sponsoring me, you will promote excellence and innovation within our company culture that will, in turn, attract new talent to the company.

* As a sponsor, you will have direct access to strong & innovative expertise and insights generated by the faculty of a leading business school

* As a sponsor, you will also gain access to the wide and diverse IAE Aix business school network

* My In-Company Project can be designed to solve real issues within our company.

8. I will gain a greater understanding of the latest in management thinking as well as best-practices which are relevant and can be applied to our company

* I will solidly improve my core business competencies: finance, strategy, accounting, project management, marketing, innovation & leadership.

* As a sponsor, you can attend annual IAE Aix corporate-focused events (networking, seminars surrounding key business issues from top Management thinkers.) List example companies here

* You will become an active partner in my growth and development

What can your company expect of an EMBA graduate?

* Increased confidence, motivation and ambition

* Increased commitment to mobility and change management

* Greater transversal skills permitting you to perform a wider variety of functions/roles

* Increased ability to handle an Executive level of management responsibility - domestically and internationally

* A broader understanding of current global business perspectives

* A steadfast ability to apply newly-attained knowledge and skills to the implementation of well-conceived solutions

* Stronger interpersonal & leadership skills permitting you to motivate and lead complex teams

* A long-term commitment to the company and its values

In what ways can your company sponsor you?


Approximately a third of all EMBA participants in industrialized countries today are sponsored by their companies. Over the past 10 years, this number has dropped approximately 10-12 percent. Companies are, however, still sponsoring rising managers to do EMBA programmes. It is not unreasonable to discuss this option with your employer. Financial support for an EMBA may be either partial or complete and both alternatives, no matter how generous, put you closer to your EMBA objective.

A serious concern of many companies is that you will do your EMBA and leave for another company. Please keep



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