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Competitive Strategy for Chinese Local Supermarket in Tier Three City

Essay by   •  December 5, 2011  •  Study Guide  •  427 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,047 Views

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Executive summary

Ever since China to be one member of World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, Chinese market has been targeted by many multinational corporations (MNCs). Generally, china was seen as a low competition market and low-cost land in the past. However, the entering and operating of MNCs have been significantly changing the completion environment. Many market segments were becoming extremely competitive, there is no exception for retailing industry. A number of foreign retailer magnates set up their stores in metropolitan and Tier Two city. The competition is fierce and the fire may soon take up tier three cities. Local supermarkets in third-tier cite are sinking into fear. This dissertation is aimed at examine the competitive strategy of Chinese local supermarket in Tier Three City in China. In order to achieve it, a typical medium size company in a Tier three city, Risheng supermarket will be a case to study. Moreover, the effect of those Competitive strategies was also explored. An empirical research was designed to achieve these objectives based on survey. Findings will provide direct managerial reference for devising effective marketing plans and practices.

References list

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[Accessed 4th November 2010]




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