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Conflict Resolution at General Hospital

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Arthaniel Bailey III

Assignment # 4 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course

BUS 520: Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Dr. Jacob Ogunlade

June 7, 2011

Strayer University


Arthaniel Bailey 3

Date: June 7, 2011 3

Abstract 4

Discussion 5

Answer 5

Answer 6

Answer 7

Answer 8

References 10

Certificate of Authorship

I Arthaniel Bailey III certify that I am the author of this document and any assistance I received in preparing this report fully acknowledged. I have also cited in APA format for all sources that I obtained ideas, data, and words. Sources are properly credited according to the APA guidelines.

Arthaniel Bailey

Date: June, 7, 2011


This paper is discussing General Hospital and it conflict resolution. General Hospital is facing financial issues as well as employment morale is not high. Physicians not wanting to be more cost sensitive and management are beginning to take things into their own hand not consulting or even notifying their team member. Employees have been fired because they are being replaced by machines that are not producing the correct feedback necessary for the use of the physicians. Harding, the chief operating officer (COO) was put in charge of handling these current problems but has not been around to see the project through. This is putting the physicians in a very uncomfortable position because none of the physicians are allowed to touch the EKG machine and it is not giving out accurate information. This is not only making the physicians look bad as professionals, but the hospital overall is suffering from this conflict.


Question 1

Discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital.


Dealing with an organization such as a hospital, there are many obstacles that stand in the way for success. For instance you have to make sure that the patients are properly treated and cared for, making sure the staff is paid adequately, and on top of that making sure that the equipment that is being used is up to date and working properly. These are some of the issues that General Hospital was faced with. Also the leadership role taken by Marge Harding was also an issue in the way things were being operated throughout the Hospital. Issues regarding employment, equipment, and strategic planning played a major part in the reconstruction of General Hospital. Harding was ordered to fire the current cardiologist, Dr. Boyer because he was too old and was making too much money (Helliriegel & Slocum, 2011). So in order for the hospital to function properly and be able to keep up with competing hospitals, which have already upgraded their equipment to better assist with patient care, they had to terminate Dr. Boyer (Helliriegel & Slocum, 2011). Now that he had been replaced by a computerized EKG there had been reports of EKG interpretations were late and some never arrived (Helliriegel & Slocum, 2011). Some reports were misfiled and returned inadvertently with a different EKG analysis on them. Those types of mix ups confused physicians and caused a few misdiagnosis and some patients even went to another hospital (Helliriegel & Slocum, 2011). Marge Harding is over the new EKG equipment but has gone out of town for vacation, leaving all the issues to be handled by Dr. Williams who really does not know what to do in this situation because he was basically thrown into fire to take care of a project that really needed someone with some experience to be handling it (Helliriegel & Slocum, 2011).

Question 2

Discuss the conflict management styles that are evident in the case.


A manger is someone who carries out the orders of the leader. In this case Marge Harding was only carrying out orders for the CEO of the company, Mike Hammer (Helliriegel & Slocum, 2011) Hammer hired Harding to take care of the cost control and make General Hospital more competitive. So that is what she exactly did. According to Rout & Omika:

Conflict arises due to a variety of factors. These may be individual differences in goals, expectations, values and proposed courses of action or suggestions about how best to handle a situation. When we add to these differences the unease arising out of a business' future, conflict often increases. (p. 2)

There are different types of conflict styles displayed: goal conflict, affective conflict, and procedural conflict Goal conflict is displayed when an individual selects or is assigned goals that are incompatible with



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