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Essay by   •  October 4, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  585 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,448 Views

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Gibendi Lillian


It may take a lot of time to discuss it since its origin is blurred. It starts infinitesimal and effortlessly and before one realizes, he is already in to it but when questioned, the response is always negative. Therefore, what is this corruption all about? It occurs when people desire privileges thus do anything to get it; for this reason, corruption starts within a person and exists ubiquitously.

Corruption has become part of our lives that we see no wrong in it and we keep on justifying our actions (Dutta & Sachindra, 2009). When we start rationalizing our acts, we will not see any wrong in what we do and this therefore means that corruption will continue to exist as a right thing hence there will be no fight against it or any fight will be to no avail. For instance, your brother may give you some money so that you can wash his clothes, this may seem normal but it is the start of corruption because the next time you will be tempted to accept cash at work place so as to perform a specific task. Corruption starts at home from the diminutive insignificant things that we do (Schecter, Harold, & Kaufman, 2008).

Our moral code and reverence is lost somewhere because the prominent people in the society have gone astray yet they are supposed to be the role model (Karch, 2009). For example, before you take your son or daughter to school, you are expected to give out bribe, moreover, you may not gain access to a better position in the job if you do not give out something. Where is this world heading and if this is the practice now what about the generation to come? They are bound to follow the footsteps of their models leading to people with no standards, no ideologies and no principles and the practice goes on.

Corruption is akin to a drug devoid of which the obsessed person cannot survive (Husak & Howard, 2010). It is therefore spreading slowly by slowly and it will reach a time where no activity will take place without corruption and besides, no punishment implemented on the involved parties. Moreover, the civil servants have been encouraged to be corrupt by the politicians and they have enjoyed the shield from the politicians in all their wicked activities, consequently the bug of corruption has flown gradually down the ladder to the entire society making it completely corrupt and incurable society.

Although corruption has grown to such a big tree, the war against it is within us and we possess all the necessary equipment to deal with it. Since corruption starts within a person, it is therefore our responsibility to change into better people and the world will be a better place to live in (Schecter et al., 2008). For instance, if you refuse the bribe, corruption will not take place because of your sound decision but if on the other hand you accept



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