Credit Risk Management
Essay by people • October 1, 2011 • Essay • 693 Words (3 Pages) • 2,440 Views
difficult proposition. There is an
of deposits by deploying Banks have grown
implicit understanding on the part
funds for developmental from being a
of the planners that in the post
activities and productive pur- financial interme-
nationalization era, banks will meet
poses through credit creation diary, in the past,
what is called social obligations
process. Deposit mobilization & to a risk interme-
Credit deployment constitute the diary, at present. RS Raghavan through directed lending. Early
core of banking activities and In credit, risks are co-related and stage of nationalization belonged
substantial portion of expendi- exposure to one risk may lead to to security oriented approach; in
ture and income are associated another having deeper ramification the nineties it was the spread-ori-
with them. In the case of deposits, and hence, the real mantra for pru- ented era and in the early 21st cen-
baring few stray instances of oper- dent banking lies in successfully tury the focus is shifted to risk.
ational risks linked to the system managing the risks in an integrated When the security oriented
and human failure culminat-
Even though Tandon Committee norms have been dumped to dust-
ing in fraud, forgeries &
loss, there may not be any-
bins, alternative methods being practiced by the banks are yet to
thing very alarming. But
pass the test of time. While some banks adopt the method of justi-
credit portfolio is the real
fying the sanction of loan, others follow a combination of Turnover
dynamic activity that
Method, Cash Flow Method, Cash Budget Method, Projected
requires close monitoring
Balance Sheet method, etc.
and continuous manage-
ment. This article attempts
to focus on not only credit manage- and pro-active manner to optimize approach was followed, economic
ment but also credit risk manage- the exposure already taken or to be activities and banking products
assumed by the bank. Adherence to were simple and "instances of
Till recently, all the activities standards of quick decision and frauds and forgeries were few and
of banks were regulated and hence providing adequate and need based far in between.
It is very much essential to con-
operational issues were not con- financial assistance on attractive
ducive to risk taking. The financial but safe terms, without losing the duct credit investigation before
sector, now, wears a relaxed and sight of the associated risks taking up a proposal for considera-
tion. This preliminary study should
The author is the Senior Manager (Risk Management) at Vijaya Bank
lead to valuable information on
borrower's integrity, honesty, reli-
ability, credit worthiness, manage-
ment competency, expertise, asso-
ciate concern, guarantor, etc. A due
diligence report shall invariably
accompany the credit proposal
evaluation. Banks have to strictly
adhere to the KYC (Know Your
Customer) norms to ensure