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Critically Case

Essay by   •  April 27, 2011  •  Essay  •  654 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,834 Views

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This assignment will explore the strength and weakness and define the ideology of these three theories, 'Marxism, neo liberalism and social democracy'. These theories have different views on how society functions. For example 'social democrats' argue that spending money on the welfare is a good thing as it helps to create a more equal, economically efficient society. However 'neo-liberals' disagree as they believe this only makes people lazy .Marxists understand welfare growths in ways to both social democrats and neo-liberals.

Marxist argue society is run by those who own the means of production, who are labelled as the bourgeoisie .The proletariat are the working class who work for the bourgeoisie .Marxists believe the working class are slaves to the upper class as they work long hours and earn very little where as the upper-class profit from their labour. Education health and social security are run for the benefit of the capitalists, in order for the society to running according to their will. Marxism sees welfare contradictory phenomenon; on the one hand, it provides better rights for everyone but on the other hand gives workers a reason not to challenge the capitalists. The media is also owned by the bourgeoisies and people acquire role-models from the media, e.g. Beyonce and Messi. This is bad as this is a distraction because you fail to understand your own interests. Karl Mark predicted in the near future that people will realise the exploitation that has been happening and the citizens

Will resist government oppression (as we have witnessed with the rise of student loans).This will then be a result to riots and individuals will take control themselves and Communism will also follow (Holborn 2004).

Marxist theory highlights the significance of social class in essence to exploitation in the workforce, as we see it still exists today. Marxists also emphasise that individuals can be educated out of acting from self-interest, opponents to Marxism argue that humans acting from their own self-interest have done more for the benefit of humanity as a whole than any other single force in economics .The problem with Marxist theory is basically that it is has yet to be achieved when put into practice. Communism, is based upon Marxism, has been applied in some countries where people were required to follow dictators in spite of their wish not to follow the ideology. Marxism does seem to look at the little picture, such as the relationship between the students or the teacher, as this could be the main objective (Holborn 2004).

Neo-liberalism has a market-driven [1] approach to economic and social policy based on neoclassical theories of economics that argues in favour of the effectiveness of private enterprise. Neo liberalism believes that welfare should only be offered to those that are weak e.g. he/she who has no chance to depend on themselves. This approach does not



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