Critique of Ada and Affirmative Action
Essay by people • January 21, 2012 • Research Paper • 805 Words (4 Pages) • 2,346 Views
The abbreviation, ADA, stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA was set into place to help the United States use the gifted talents that people with disabilities have. This act was also set into place to let every American benefit from the escalation of the buying ability of people who have disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed to basically promote better lives for everyone and to stop discrimination on people who have disabilities. Sparks states, "The ADA has helped many people with disabilities gain access to facilities by establishing such standards as reasonable accommodations, removal of architectural barriers and readily achievable" (Sparks, 2011).
According to the Americans with Disability Act, a person who has a disability has to be someone who is disabled either mentally or physically to the point that his or her life is affected. The disabled person has to have his or her disability on record stating that he or she is considered disabled according to the disability law. The person who has the disability should also be viewed as a person who has a disability. The Americans with Disability Act is made up of a total of five titles which consist of employment, public entities, public accommodations, telecommunications, and miscellaneous provisions.
Title I of the Americans with Disability Act was made to get rid of obstacles that would prevent people who have disabilities from getting the same employment opportunities as everyone else. This title also allows people who have disabilities to get the same on-the-job benefits as everyone else that work for the company. Title I makes sure that companies provide the proper accommodations for people with disabilities. Employers have to provide these accommodations to disabled employees to help support their employee's disability to make them feel equal to everyone else on the job. Making the necessary changes helps the disabled employees to appreciate the equal opportunities like people who are not disabled.
Title II of the Americans with Disability Act was made to prevent people with disabilities from facing discrimination by public entities. Public entities can be either state government or local government services and it can be any agency or any department within the agency. This title also helps the people who are disabled get accommodated by having facilities that he or she is able to access physically. Title III prevents providers of public accommodations from discriminating against people who has a disability based on his or her disability. Title III refers to public accommodations at schools, restaurant, hotels, etc.
Title IV of the Americans with Disability Act helps disabled Americans by making all of the telephone companies have relay services available all across America. Without title IV of the Americans with Disability Act, there would be no relay services to help deaf people communicate on the