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Daniel Golman Case

Essay by   •  March 18, 2013  •  Essay  •  1,199 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,598 Views

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In the year 2000 between March and April, Daniel Golman wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review about research that he did about leadership. With the results he quoted from his article "many managers mistakenly assume that leadership style is a function of personality rather than strategic choice. Instead of choosing the one style that suits their temperament, they should ask which style best addresses the demands of the particular situation,(Daniel Goleman)." There is among six strategy style's in leadership, in this paper I am going to analyze the strategies in different types of life situations.

Leadership that gets results is new research that suggests that most executives use a collection of distinct leadership styles, each in the right measure, at just the right time. Such flexibility is tough to put into action, but it pays off in performance.(Daniel Goleman) Out of the research, it has shown that the most successful leaders have strength in the following emotional intelligence competencies: Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. By having these types of skills you will be aware of your failure and will have the ability to regulate and motivate yourself to perfection. So the nature of this research is to understand that what the ability is to be a good leader, which is not only one tool but several that is combined together and is used in different situations that can have a huge impact on the climate of the business or organization. The six main leadership 's that the research shows is the coercive style, the authoritative style, the affiliative style, the democratic style, the pacesetting style and the coaching style. All of these style's are different from each other and cannot be applied at the same time. That is why it is important to know when to use each one, and how to do it. It takes a great leader to implied all of these styles at the perfect time and moment.

Leadership is not only in politics organization, but in businesses it is also one of the most important aspects. That is why this article relates it self so much with business because a good leader has to have a great vision so they can make the good decision, for example when a business is in crisis and everything is going the wrong direction, it takes a leader to imply the coercive style, because the bottom line is that there has to be a change so it is one of the best decision to have a "Do what I say" attitude. But being like that will have also its downside, people will not like to work for you and there will be a negative impact on the climate. On the other hand you will have the authoritative style witch mobilizes people toward a vision more like a "come with me" attitude, is mostly used when changes require a new vision, or when a clear direction is needed and have a positive impact on the climate. An other style that is most likely is the affiliative, it creates harmony and builds emotional bonds, brings a positive impact on the climate and have more like a "people come first" attitude, is most used to heal rifts in a team or to motivate people during stressful circumstances. On the same side you will have the democratic style which forges consensus through participation to build buy-in or consensus, or to get input from valuable employees. Pacesetting sets high standers for performance,



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