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Decisions in Paradise, Part Three

Essay by   •  July 14, 2013  •  Essay  •  1,131 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,529 Views

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Decisions in Paradise, Part Three

Implementing decisions are an important part of making decisions. If people do not know the decisions they are going to make and know what factors to consider before making those decisions, they could backfire and make the situation worse. That is why it is important to think of the factors that can affect the decisions before you try to incorporate them. Factors can include things such as: cross cultural indifferences, economic status, not enough or too much technology, the way stakeholders see things and diversity in employment.

In the organization run by a specific management team, there are a few factors that need to be taken care of before the plan can be implemented. With me being on Kava, I do not have the chance to meet with all the stakeholders for this company and must assume what they all want. I will try to reach out and contact them over the phone, in a video conference call, or by email. After I have gathered enough information on the changes the majority of the stakeholders want I will be able to create a plan and start the implementation of it.

One factor that will affect the company is economic status. You must be able to move beyond the status of other people in order to serve them the right way. A person might not be able to afford the best cars on Earth, but they can still pay for the services they are having rendered. The way people live is not important, only that they have chosen to use our services in their personal lives. These can be life-long customers if they are treated the same as any other customer.

Another factor to consider when implementing a plan is diversity in employment. People are different in many ways. There is religion, ethics, morals, sex, disabilities, and backgrounds. You cannot base a single judgment on any one of these for two reasons; 1. It is against the law and 2. It is not going with our cause of having a diverse company. Diversity is a good thing in a company as it allows people to see things in a different way. It may not always be the right way, but nonetheless, another way. This is very helpful when trying to brainstorm ideas to come up with a plan to change something within a company. In one country they may have a specific custom or belief that would work best as the solution to the current problem and we would never know it because we are not from their or aware of the custom. This will help to bring other diversity in the workplace together by feeding off the ideas of other people.

Another factor that affects the implementation of a plan is the environment. If around the area around where the business or organization is not in the best of conditions, people will not want to go there or do their business there. They will think and assume it is not something they are interested in or that they will not find what they are looking for. Getting a community based event started would be a good way to clean up the neighborhood and people will be proud to live in that area. According to www.theguardian.com, "there are five main things to remember when planning a community event. They are to make sure you have the right licenses,



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