Essay by people • October 4, 2011 • Essay • 291 Words (2 Pages) • 1,355 Views
the word of deaq is not in the dictionary i like to eat doors and calculaters. if you asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdfasdf asd fsad fsad f asdf asd fas dfa sdf asd fas df asdfas dkffkjvsldf jdfh flj gsdflg jdg dfkg dsfjg fkg sdf gdsf jgdf gdfj gdlfk djl kfgsdjlf kdfgjk ;laksdfj als;k fasdl; fasdlf asdflkj asdklf asdl kfsdfasf asdf as dfsad fs adf asd fasd fas df asdf sd fd fd fd fd f d fd f df d fd fd f df a tat at at at at at a ta t at at at at at a ta ta ta t at at adt atasm,ad as;ldk flkdjf jf jf j f jf jf jf jf jf jf jfj fjfjfjfj at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at atsunoo - Tuesday 23 February 2010 13:49
Wow. this gun is the best looking gun to me !!
It is good too, in MW 2 and in real life ^^ go ACR go!!
ahmad - Saturday 27 March 2010 19:18
how much does it cost ?
Isunoo - Saturday 24 April 2010 11:42
This gun cost around $300 on many websites, on Airsoft GI it is $330 (Out Of Stock)
I dont know when it will be in stock.
But the Magpul PTS Masada ACR is coming out, The real ACR :D :D :D
With Rail handguard and many others for the ACR.
Just wait for Magpul pts ace to be out :P :P :P
guest - Tuesday 25 May 2010 16:08
My baby!!!! Shes so HOT!!!!
Ray - Tuesday 25 May 2010 16:08
My baby!!!! Shes so HOT!!!!
Mathew - Wednesday 02 June 2010 17:11
dude, this gun is the real thing
Jake - Sunday 07 November 2010 05:07
Totally legit. Buying one soon, hopefully.
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